{{attachment:IconsPage/ubuntu.png}} - installed by default in Ubuntu <
{{attachment:IconsPage/kubuntu.png}} - installed by default in Kubuntu <
{{attachment:IconsPage/edubuntu.png}} - installed by default in Edubuntu <
{{attachment:IconsPage/ubuntu_grey.png}} - Main (officially supported) Ubuntu repository, not installed by default <
{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}} - Universe (community maintained) repository <
{{attachment:IconsPage/important.png}} - Multiverse (non-free) repository <
Those installed by default are in Main (officially supported) Ubuntu repository.
For information about the Ubuntu repositories see [[Repositories]]. Clicking on the icon next a program should take you to information about the Ubuntu package.
== Mathematics ==
* [[http://gnudatalanguage.sourceforge.net/|GDL]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/gnudatalanguage|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]]- GNU Data Language is a high level language for numerical computations and data visualization similar to IDL (Interactive Data Language from Research Systems Inc.).
* [[Octave]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/octave|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. (Similar to [[MATLAB]]). [[http://www.octave.org/|Octave]]
* [[http://www.scicraft.org/|SciCraft]] - Add-on to Octave, clones Simulink. Still in development, blocks have to be written by the user. It is supposed to specialize in bioinformatics functions.
* [[http://scilab.org/|Scilab]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/scilab|{{attachment:IconsPage/important.png}}]] - Another MATLAB-like application.
* [[http://www.scicos.org/|SciCos]] - A free Simulink-like add-on to Scilab.
* [[http://maxima.sourceforge.net/|Maxima]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/maxima|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - A computer algebra system (xmaxima is its X interface).
* [[http://wxmaxima.sourceforge.net/|wxMaxima]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/wxmaxima|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - A nice front end for Maxima.
* The wxmaxima package doesn't work in Ubuntu 6.06. Please go to the [[wxMaxima]] page in this wiki for a work around.
* Here is a [[http://arxiv.org/html/cs.SC/0504039|tutorial]] about using Te''''''Xmacs as a Maxima frontend
* [[http://members3.jcom.home.ne.jp/imaxima/|imaxima]] embeds a Maxima session in Emacs and uses [[LaTeX]] to render output
* [[http://www.mathomatic.org/|Mathomatic]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/mathomatic|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - A small, easy to use, command-line computer algebra system.
* [[https://gmplib.org/|GNU MP]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/libgmp3c2|{{attachment:IconsPage/ubuntu_grey.png}}]] - GNU Multi-Precision arithmetic library. Useful if you need to use very big numbers in a C program.
* <>[[http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/|GSL]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/gsl-bin|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - The Gnu Scientific Library.
* [[http://www.ooomacros.org/user.php#106652|OOStatistics]] - A statistics macro for OpenOffice Calc.
* [[http://www.freefem.org/|freefem]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/freefem|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - A partial differential equation oriented language using Finite Element Method - 2D and 3D versions.
* [[http://www.openfoam.org/|OpenFOAM]] - A former commercial computational fluid dynamics code that is now under GPL, see end of this page and
* [[OpenFOAM]] has instructions on how to install OpenFOAM on Ubuntu.
* [[http://www.scipy.org/|SciPy]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/python-scipy|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - An open source library of scientific tools for Python.
* [[http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook|SciPy CookBook]]
* A [[http://www.scipy.org/Topical_Software|wiki page]] similar to this one.
* [[http://www.sympy.org/|SymPy]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/python-sympy|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - An open source computer algebra system (CAS) for Python.
* [[http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/|F2PY]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/python-f2py|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - Fortran to Python interface generator provides a connection between Python and Fortran languages.
* [[http://www.ginac.de/|GiNaC]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/ginac-tools|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - C++ library for symbolic computations.
* [[http://www.sagemath.org/|SAGE]] - An open source computer algebra system. Their goal is to create a viable free and open source alternative to the commercial programs Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB.
* [[Mathematica]] - A proprietary computer algebra system. [[http://www.mathematica.com|Mathematica]]
* [[Maple]] - A proprietary computer algebra system. [[http://www.maplesoft.com|Maple]]
* [[http://www.exelisvis.com/ProductsServices/IDL.aspx|IDL]] - A proprietary data visualization & data analysis platform.
* [[MATLAB]] - A proprietary numerical computing environment and programming language .[[http://www.mathworks.com/|MATLAB]]
* [[GeoGebra]] - A free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus. It received several international awards including the European and German educational software awards. [[http://www.geogebra.org/|Geogebra]]
* [[http://pdl.perl.org/|PDL]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/pdl|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - Perl Data Language is a powerful data mathematics and data manipulation package for Perl.
* [[http://www.mupad.de/|Mupad]] - A proprietary computer algebra system.
* [[http://www.clucalc.info/|Clucalc]] - A tool for 3D visualisations, Clifford algebras and scientific calculations.
* [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/auto2000|AUTO 2000]] - Software for continuation and bifurcation problems in ordinary differential equations.
* [[http://www.gap-system.org/|GAP - Groups, Algorithms, Programming]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/gap|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - a System for Computational Discrete Algebra.
* [[http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/|Pari/GP]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/pari-gp|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - designed for fast computations in number theory.
* [[http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~forster/sw/aribas.html|Aribas]][[http://packages.ubuntu.com/aribas|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - an interactive interpreter for big integer arithmetic and multi-precision floating point arithmetic
* [[http://yacas.sourceforge.net/|Yacas]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/yacas|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - an easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System, a program for symbolic manipulation of mathematical expressions.
* [[http://cadabra.phi-sci.com/|Cadabra]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/cadabra|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - a field-theory motivated approach to computer algebra.
* [[http://home.gna.org/veusz/|Veusz]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/veusz|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - GUI scientific plotting and graphing package.
=== Statistics ===
* [[http://www.spss.com/|SPSS]] The proprietary statistical reference package. Written in Java, since version 16 (currently 17) runs on Linux, although it has some problems with Compiz Fusion ('''Solution''': ''sudo gedit /etc/environment''. Add at the end: ''AWT_TOOLKIT="MToolkit"''. Save and restart).
* [[http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/|PSPP/PSPPIRE]] It is intended as a free replacement of the proprietary program SPSS. PSPPIRE is the PSPP GUI.
* [[http://www.r-project.org/|R]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/r-base|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - for statistical computing and graphics.
* [[https://www.rforge.net/JGR/|JGR]] - Java GUI for R.
* [[http://rkward.sourceforge.net/|RKWard]] [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/rkward|{{attachment:IconsPage/community.png}}]] - An easy to use, transparent front end to the R language.
* [[http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~ihaka/120/|Some R tutorials and examples]].
* [[http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/|R Graph Gallery]] - Collection of graphics that can be created using R. Includes the R commands used to create the graphics.
* [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/odstatistics/|ODStatistics]] - a set of LibreOffice macros for descriptive statistics
= Ubuntu Packages: Mathematics Section =
[[http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/math/| 9.04 ]],
[[http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/math/| 9.10 ]],
[[http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/math/| 10.04 ]].