PythonXY for Ubuntu

This is the effort to make scientific work using Ubuntu and Python a easiy go.

It builds on the successful work done by the PythonXY (for Windows) team.


The efforts concentrate mainly on:

  1. preparation of packages
    1. metapackages that install all recommended packages at once
    2. individual packages of useful Python modules / packages
  2. in future: the integration of the xy package into Ubuntu with all its tools such
    1. as menu icons,
    2. documentation links
    3. tray icons / indicators

Package Repositories

Stable PPA

The Python XY Stable contains:

Development PPA

The Python XY Development contains:

Support and Help needed!

Organisational Tasks


UbuntuScience/PythonXY (last edited 2013-05-02 12:56:15 by dslb-094-219-052-133)