About this book

Who this book is for

Maybe you are new to digital recording. Maybe you are curious about Linux. Maybe you have been using a Digital Audio Workstation, but are interested in getting away from the Microsoft/Apple duopoly or just want to try a new DAW. Maybe you have already been using Ubuntu Studio, but would like to explore more of it's features or could use a trusty handbook as a quick reference. This guide to home digital recording and music production with Ubuntu Studio is for the amateur or semi-professional (professionals welcome, too!) musician.

No knowledge of Ubuntu is required - this book in not an Ubuntu manual, but will cover the basics of the operating system needed to use the music software, including installation and command line operations. If you have used a PC or Mac, you already know just about everything you need to know and will be in very familiar territory.

Why use this book?

How to use this book

You might be stuck on something. This book may or may not provide the answer, but it will show that, with a little patience, you can get un-stuck from whatever the problem is. I tried everything as I wrote – demonstrating that “it really does do that”. Maybe there's a buried menu, hard-to-find checkbox, or something needs to be restarted/re-installed. The point is: knowing what's possible is valuable in itself because it shows persistence will be rewarded.

Know what's possible. Knowing what's possible is valuable in itself - it shows that persistence will be rewarded.


My thanks goes out to the entire open source community for sharing their work.Please consider donating to any project that you find yourself using frequently.

UbuntuStudio/AudioHandbook/AboutThisBook (last edited 2018-06-19 03:57:46 by eeickmeyer)