<> Frequently asked questions about Ubuntu Studio. = General = * '''What is Ubuntu Studio?''' * Learn more about Ubuntu Studio at the [[What Is Ubuntu Studio]] page. * '''What is the Jack Audio Connection Kit?''' * Also known as JACK for short, you can learn more at the [[What is JACK]] page. *'''What is the difference between Ubuntu Studio and Ubuntu?''' * Learn about some of the differences between Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio at the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/What Is Ubuntu Studio#Ubuntu Studio vs. Ubuntu|Ubuntu Studio vs. Ubuntu page]]. * '''What is a low latency kernel?''' * See the [[UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel|low latency kernels]] page for information about the various low latency kernels available in Ubuntu Studio. * '''When is the next version coming out?''' * Ubuntu Studio follows the same [[Ubuntu:Releases|release cycle]] as Ubuntu. = Installation = * '''How do I install Ubuntu Studio?''' * Follow the [[Ubuntu Studio Installation|Installation Guide.]] * '''Can I install Ubuntu Studio onto an existing Ubuntu installation?''' * Yes, follow [[Ubuntu Studio Upgrade from Ubuntu|this guide]]. = Applications = * '''What applications are included in Ubuntu Studio?''' * A list of applications included in Ubuntu Studio can be found here: [[Ubuntu:UbuntuStudio/PackageList|Package List]] * '''Why is application `xyz` included and `abc` is not included in Ubuntu Studio?''' * To find reasons for inclusion or exclusion for a specific application, please see the [[UbuntuStudio/ApplicationSelection|Application Selection]] page. * However, applications may be excluded be for many reasons, including: * There currently does not exist a Debian/Ubuntu package for that application. * There is no maintainer for the package. * There are license issues restricting the application from being included. * The application isn't stable or mature enough for inclusion. If it is either of the first two, feel free to help out by packaging the application and maintaining it. [[Ubuntu:MOTU/Packages/New/HowTo|Find out how]]. If none of the above seem to apply, feel free to add it to the list at [[Ubuntu:UbuntuStudio/Wishlist|UbuntuStudio/Wishlist]] = How Can I Help? = * [[UbuntuStudio/howtohelp|How to help]] - a good write up about different ways to help with Ubuntu Studio = Hardware = * '''Does `xyz` piece of hardware work with Ubuntu Studio?''' * See [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/SupportedHardware | Supported Hardware]] * For all other pieces of hardware, check for various Hardware Compatibility Lists, such as: * [[Ubuntu:HardwareSupport|Hardware Support]] * [[http://www.linuxcompatible.org/compatlist3.html|Linux Compatible]] = Removal = * '''How can I safely remove Ubuntu Studio and return to "vanilla" Ubuntu?''' * Ubuntu studio is a series of packages and can be removed from the command line using apt-get using three lines of code: * 1) sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop * 2) sudo apt-get purge ubuntustudio-desktop ''in Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat), you may also need to run:'' sudo apt-get purge ubuntustudio-default-settings plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio * 3) sudo apt-get --purge autoremove * This will replace the Ubuntu Studio desktop with the "vanilla" Ubuntu desktop, and then remove the Ubuntu Studio desktop packages.