||<>|| = Using The Terminal - Basic Guide = Sometimes it may be practical to know how to use the terminal, most likely when following tutorials where you need to use the terminal. Here is a short guide on how to perform some basic commands on the terminal. To start a terminal, go the menu and choose the '''Terminal Emulator''' == Starting an application, and using the Tab key == To start an application from the terminal, just type the name. Let's start gedit, and use '''Tab''' to complete the name. First, type '''ged''' as done below {{{ user@host:~$ ged }}} Press the '''Tab''' key to auto-complete the name. It should now read: {{{ user@host:~$ gedit }}} Press '''Enter''' to start gedit from the terminal. Before continuing, quit gedit. == Installing applications == Installing applications from the terminal is easily done using '''apt-get'''. To search for applications, we use '''apt-cache'''. Both belong to the same program called '''apt'''. Search for '''videolan''': {{{ user@host:~$ apt-cache search videolan }}} You should get a long list of packages related to videolan. To install '''vlc-plugin-jack''' (will allow you to use vlc with jack): {{{ user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-jack }}} '''What is sudo?''' [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudo | Sudo]] is a command that lets' you perform other commands as 'superuser'. Installing programs is not allowed for a normal user. When using sudo, you need to use your user password to allow passing the command that follows it. == More basic commands, and starting scripts == === Up and Down Arrow Keys === You already know how to use the '''Tab''' key, which saves you a lot of effort when typing. Other helpful keys are the '''up''' and '''down''' arrow keys. Pressing '''up''' will page back in history of the commands you have used. Pressing '''Down''' will page forwards. === Download a script === This script is called [[http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UsingTheTerminal?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=myscript.sh| myscript.sh]], and the only thing it does is prints some text when you execute it from the terminal. Download it into your Download folder. === Change to another directory and start the script === Now, if you downloaded the script into your Download folder in your user home directory, you could do following to start it from the terminal. Try the '''ls''' command: {{{ user@host:~$ ls }}} You should see a list of files and folders in your home directory. To change to the Downloads directory use the '''cd''' command: {{{ user@host:~$ cd Downloads }}} Notice that the prompt looks different now: {{{ user@host:~/Downloads$ }}} Now, you could do '''ls''' again to see what is in the Downloads directory. And to start the script, you do: {{{ user@host:~/Downloads$ ./myscript.sh }}} If you aren't able to start the script, it may be that it isn't set to be executable. To make the script executable, do: {{{ user@host:~/Downloads$ chmod +x myscript.sh }}} And then, try again. Finally, to get back to your home directory you can do: {{{ user@host:~/Downloads$ cd ../ }}} Also, just using '''cd''' without an argument will get you back to your home directory. === How to find help about different commands === Each command usually has one or two help sections. To see a shorter help section for the '''ls''' command, do: {{{ user@host:~ ls --help }}} To get the more extensive manual, do: {{{ user@host:~ man ls }}} To quit the manual, press '''q'''. That's all for this short guide. Hopefully you have learned enough about using the command line to know how to follow simple tutorials and guides that involve the terminal. == More Information == More detailed info on [[http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | using the terminal]]