

Remote Desktop Viewer (Vinagre) is the default VNC client in Ubuntu 8.04. It currently allows you to connect to desktops running VNC servers and control them. Specific connection options are not currently supported, e.g. high or low bandwidth settings, but it is planned to add them in an upcoming version.


Applications > Internet > Remote Desktop Viewer
Or press Alt+F2 and type vinagre.

To connect to a machine manually, enter it's name into the Connect dialog. From here you can also search the local network for available machines. You can connect to a machine automatically using a .vnc file – just go to Machines > Open.



Planned Features


Vinagre is not currently well suited for low speed networks, as it always connects in a high speed mode. Another default application, Terminal Server Client, may be a better solution for you. It requires the xvnc4viewer package to be installed in order to connect with VNC.

See also

External links

CategorySoftwareDefault CategoryInternet CategorySoftware

Vinagre (last edited 2008-10-10 17:15:29 by cpe-69-207-215-155)