VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a way of turning an internet-connected device into a telephone. Most applications use SIP to make calls - this is the foremost industry standard, although XMPP (also known as Jabber) is also extremely popular.

SIP or XMPP (Jabber)?

SIP has slightly more emphasis on voice, video and corporate telephony, whereas XMPP originated as a solution for chat and messaging but it's extensible nature allows it to support voice and video. Many people use both SIP and XMPP from a single client.

VoIP and messaging on the Ubuntu desktop

Ubuntu's principal application for this is called Empathy, and provides many features in addition to simple voice, such as video chat.

There are several other end-user applications which you may also consider:

Ubuntu as a VoIP / Real-time communication (RTC) server

Please also see the Debian wiki about Unified Communications as many of the Debian solutions are available on Ubuntu.


It was previously possible to install Skype, but there are both technical and ethical reasons why you should not (see SkypeEthics for more):

External Links

VoIP (last edited 2017-09-26 20:29:51 by ckimes)