#pragma keywords AR5007, Ubuntu, wireless, Atheros 5007 Instructions to configure the Atheros 5007 ( AR5007 ) wireless card = Madwifi = == First time == Open synaptic and click on edit->reload package information, after that install build-essential, and close synaptic Open a terminal and execute the following commands: {{{ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) wget http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/madwifi-hal- sudo mv madwifi-hal- /usr/local/src/ cd /usr/local/src/ sudo tar -zxvf madwifi-hal- cd madwifi-hal- sudo ./madwifi-unload sudo ./find-madwifi-modules.sh $(uname -r) WARNING: It seems that there are modules left from previous MadWifi installations. If you are unistalling the MadWifi modules please press "r" to remove them. If you are installing new MadWifi modules, you should consider removing those already installed, or else you may experience problems during operation. Remove old modules? [l]ist, [r]emove, [i]gnore or e[x]it (l,r,i,[x]) ? r cd .. sudo make sudo make install }}} Reboot. After rebooting left click on the network manager applet(the icon with the two computers on the up right corner), and select your wireless network == After a kernel update == After upgrading the kernel you have to repeat the following steps to get the wireless working again: Open a terminal and execute the following commands: {{{ cd madwifi-hal- sudo ./madwifi-unload sudo ./find-madwifi-modules.sh $(uname -r) WARNING: It seems that there are modules left from previous MadWifi installations. If you are unistalling the MadWifi modules please press "r" to remove them. If you are installing new MadWifi modules, you should consider removing those already installed, or else you may experience problems during operation. Remove old modules? [l]ist, [r]emove, [i]gnore or e[x]it (l,r,i,[x]) ? r cd .. sudo make sudo make install }}} Reboot ---- CategoryWireless CategoryNetworking CategoryHardware