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~$ man interfaces

Device Info

Feisty 7.04 (Kernel 2.6.20-16-generic)

Dapper 6.06 (Kernel 2.6.15-19-386) & Breezy (Kernel 2.6.12)

Did it configure during install?

Did it work by just configuring network settings after install (out of box)?

~$ sudo ifup rausb0    

(this looks like bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/39391 )

What driver did you use and ease of set up?

Please make sure you have the appropriate Kernel-Headers and GCC in place.

Download the tarball to the current directory and unpack

~$ wget http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/rt2570-cvs-daily.tar.gz
~$ tar -xvf rt2570-cvs-daily.tar.gz

Go into the source directory and compile

~$ cd rt2570-cvs-<timestamp>/Module
~$ make

For Dapper: Make a backup copy of the actual driver ( you never know... )

~$ mkdir rt2570-backup
~$ cp /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/net/rt2570/rt2570.ko \

For Breezy Create the proper directory for the new driver

~$ sudo mkdir -p /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/net/rt2570

Now copy the freshly compiled driver to its place

~$ sudo cp rt2570.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/net/rt2570

For Dapper Unload the current driver ( after you removed the USB WLAN Adapter )

~$ sudo rmmod rt2570

Register the new driver

~$ sudo depmod -a

Load the new driver

~$ sudo modprobe rt2570 

Now edit the configuration file "/etc/network/interfaces" ( do you need a backup copy ?? )

~$ gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces 

and add the following for WEP with DHCP

iface rausb0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid myapname
wireless-key s:myplaintextpassword
auto rausb0

or the following for WPA with DHCP

iface rausb0 inet dhcp
pre-up ip link set rausb0 up
pre-up iwconfig rausb0 mode managed
pre-up iwpriv rausb0 enc 3
pre-up iwpriv rausb0 auth 3
pre-up iwconfig rausb0 essid myapname
pre-up iwpriv rausb0 wpapsk myplaintextwpapassword
pre-up iwconfig rausb0 essid myapname
auto rausb0

Reinsert the USB WLAN Adapter and issue

~$ sudo ifup rausb0

The Network connection will be made. If not, issue

~$ sudo dhclient rausb0

Repeat a few times with pauses if necessary.

Comments, tips, or other set up help...

To install basic compile support

~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-3.4

For information on Kernel setup see


For information on installing DWL-G122 with Breezy see


For information on rt2x00 project see


( be careful, information given can be really confusing and misleading. Make sure people you listen to, know what they are talking about )

CategoryHardware CategoryNetworking CategoryWireless

WifiDocs/Device/DWL-G122_(Rev_B) (last edited 2011-06-11 21:14:24 by 157-157-186-64)