<> #title F-Prot Antivirus ||<>|| [[http://www.f-prot.com/products/home_use/linux/|F-Prot for Linux]] is a free command line antivirus scanner. A couple of frontends have been written to go with it, providing more user-friendly GUIs (e.g. [[http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=10381|QtFProt]] and [[http://web.tiscali.it/sharp/xfprot|XFprot]]). F-Prot and QtFprot can be downloaded using Synaptic/Adept. XFProt can be downloaded from [[http://web.tiscali.it/sharp/xfprot|the developer's web site]]. = The Problem = We compile XFProt {{{ tar -zxvf xfprot-xx.tar.gz (xx being the file version we downloaded) sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install (or checkinstall) }}} and then try to launch the program by typing {{{ xfprot }}} in the command line, at which point we get the following error message: {{{ xfprot: starting... xfprot: process is not dumpable xfprot: private dir found xfprot: good...private dir is not a link xfprot: set_dir_properties_and_cd_in() xfprot: setting permissions of private dir to 0700 xfprot: setting owner of private dir xfprot: chdir to private dir xfprot: check_for_bin() xfprot: access(): /usr/local/f-prot/f-prot: No such file or directory xfprot: dialog_window() }}} and {{{ /usr/local/f-prot/f-prot File not found! Aborting... }}} = The Reason = Ubuntu installs F-Prot for Linux by default in '''/usr/lib/f-prot/''' but XFProt looks for it in '''/usr/local/f-prot''' = The Solution = Create a symbolic link: {{{ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/f-prot/ /usr/local }}} and try again {{{ sudo xfprot }}} (NB Run it as superuser if you want the scan engine to have access to restricted folders during the analysis) Hope it works for you! ---- CategorySoftware CategorySecurity