= Introduction = The package apcupsd provides a daemon which will monitor your [[www.apc.com|APC]] UPS, and shutdown the system when power is no longer being supplied to the UPS. = Prerequisites = An APC UPS. The apcupsd daemon works with most APC Smart-UPS models, as well as most simple signaling models, such as Back-UPS, and BackUPS-Office. = Installation = == When using systemd == This example assumes you are using a APC Smart-UPS 750 via USB. First, install the apcupsd package via a terminal: {{{ sudo apt-get -y install apcupsd }}} Next, backup the original configuration files: {{{ sudo cp /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf.bak }}} Next, edit the configuration files: {{{ sudo nano /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf }}} {{{ UPSNAME smartups750 UPSCABLE usb UPSTYPE usb DEVICE POLLTIME 60 }}} {{{ sudo cp /etc/default/apcupsd /etc/default/apcupsd.bak }}} {{{ sudo nano /etc/default/apcupsd }}} {{{ ISCONFIGURED=yes }}} Now one may check the status of the UPS via a terminal: {{{ apcaccess status APC : 001,027,0660 DATE : 2015-09-26 18:39:09 -0500 HOSTNAME : pc VERSION : 3.14.12 (29 March 2014) debian UPSNAME : smartups750 CABLE : USB Cable DRIVER : USB UPS Driver UPSMODE : Stand Alone STARTTIME: 2015-09-26 18:39:08 -0500 MODEL : Smart-UPS 750 STATUS : ONLINE BCHARGE : 100.0 Percent TIMELEFT : 51.0 Minutes MBATTCHG : 5 Percent MINTIMEL : 3 Minutes MAXTIME : 0 Seconds ALARMDEL : 30 Seconds BATTV : 27.1 Volts NUMXFERS : 0 TONBATT : 0 Seconds CUMONBATT: 0 Seconds XOFFBATT : N/A STATFLAG : 0x05000008 MANDATE : 2010-07-08 SERIALNO : XXXXXXXXXXXX NOMBATTV : 24.0 Volts FIRMWARE : COM 02.1 / UPS.05.D END APC : 2015-09-26 18:39:19 -0500 }}} In order to run apctest, one must first stop apcupsd via a terminal: {{{ sudo systemctl stop apcupsd }}} Otherwise, one may see the following error: {{{ sudo apctest 2015-09-26 18:57:38 apctest 3.14.12 (29 March 2014) debian Checking configuration ... sharenet.type = Network & ShareUPS Disabled cable.type = USB Cable mode.type = USB UPS Driver apctest FATAL ERROR in apctest.c at line 335 Unable to create UPS lock file. If apcupsd or apctest is already running, please stop it and run this program again. apctest error termination completed }}} Then execute: {{{ sudo apctest 2015-09-26 18:59:38 apctest 3.14.12 (29 March 2014) debian Checking configuration ... sharenet.type = Network & ShareUPS Disabled cable.type = USB Cable mode.type = USB UPS Driver Setting up the port ... Doing prep_device() ... You are using a USB cable type, so I'm entering USB test mode Hello, this is the apcupsd Cable Test program. This part of apctest is for testing USB UPSes. Getting UPS capabilities...SUCCESS Please select the function you want to perform. 1) Test kill UPS power 2) Perform self-test 3) Read last self-test result 4) View/Change battery date 5) View manufacturing date 6) View/Change alarm behavior 7) View/Change sensitivity 8) View/Change low transfer voltage 9) View/Change high transfer voltage 10) Perform battery calibration 11) Test alarm 12) View/Change self-test interval Q) Quit Select function number: }}} Once done, start apcupsd: {{{ sudo systemctl start apcupsd }}} = apcupsd-cgi via Apache = The following changes to a Ubuntu system should allow APCUPSD-CGI web interface to be accessible. Note that for this to work you must have Apache2 installed and configured properly for your Ubuntu system. Start by installing the apcupsd-cgi package: {{{ sudo apt-get -y install apcupsd-cgi }}} This will drop several files into /usr/lib/cgi-bin/apcupsd. For this to work you must have CGI enabled in your Apache configuration and the CGI directory should be pointed at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/. The only thing left is to go to the web address: http://localhost/cgi-bin/apcupsd/multimon.cgi = apcupsd-cgi via Webmin = The following changes to a Ubuntu system will allow APCUPSD-CGI web interface to be accessible as a module using webmin. Note that for this to work you must have webmin installed and configured properly for your Ubuntu system. Note: To install webmin in under 2 minutes click http://www.webmin.com/deb.html and follow the instructions under '''Using the Webmin APT repository'''. Start by installing the apcupsd-cgi package with: {{{ sudo apt-get install apcupsd-cgi }}} This will drop several files into /usr/lib/cgi-bin/apcupsd. Then copy the contents of /usr/lib/cgi-bin/apcuspd/ to /etc/apcupsd/: {{{ sudo cp /usr/lib/cgi-bin/apcupsd/*.cgi /etc/apcupsd/ }}} = External links = * apcupsd homepage - [[http://www.apcupsd.com]] * APC homepage - [[www.apc.com]] ----