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mkusb-plug - plug-in to identify target

Where can mkusb-plug work?

What can mkusb-plug do?

mkusb-plug can

New label in Focal Fossa: writable

In the developing version of Ubuntu, Focal Fossa, to be released as 20.04 LTS, the default label of the partition for persistence is changed from casper-rw to writable. This is implemented in mkusb-plug version 2.5.5, (which is bundled with mkusb version 12.4.3 in the PPA).

Ubuntu creates the partition for persistence automatically

It is enough to add the boot option 'persistent' with Ubuntu 19.10 and newer versions. Ubuntu creates the partition for persistence automatically, when booting into a USB drive or memory card. This is implemented in mkusb-plug 2.7.0 and newer versions (bundled with standard mkusb version 12.4.8).

'fixfox' for Firefox to work in persistent live drive of Ubuntu version 22.04

In order for Firefox to work [in a 22.04 LTS system made by mkusb-plug] after [the second] reboot, you need a fix. Boot into the new persistent live system, install mkusb, and then run

sudo /usr/share/mkusb/fixfox

This can be fixed automatically via dus (mkusb-dus) but not via mkusb-plug, because Ubuntu creates the partition for persistence automatically when booting the first time into the persistent live drive. So mkusb-plug has no place to write what fixfox wants to write.

This may be necessary also in newer versions (>22.04).

You can also do it completely manually (when booted into the persistent live system)

sudo mkdir /lib/systemd/system/apparmor.service.d

to create a directory apparmor.service.d in /lib/systemd/system/

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/apparmor.service.d/30_live_mode.conf

to create config file in the new directory



Save and reboot.

Detailed description to make a persistent live drive

There are more details and also examples of Linux distros and respins that work with mkusb-plug at this link: ../minp/details

How to get mkusb-plug

Install from PPA

mkusb-plug (version 2.5.0) was added to the mkusb PPA with mkusb version 12.4.2

You install mkusb-plug from ppa:mkusb/ppa with the following commands. (If you want the bleeding edge version, you can use repository ppa:mkusb/unstable instead.)

sudo add-apt-repository universe      # this line only for standard Ubuntu running live

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mkusb/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mkusb-plug

Remove tarball version

Please notice that if you have already installed mkusb-plug or dus/guidus from a tarball, you had better remove that version when you install via PPA. The advantages with the PPA version are:

Install from a tarball

The mkusb-plug tools are shellscripts plus some help files and they are also available from a tarball,

Download two files

Download the tarball and the checksum file from one of the following web sites (github or phillw),

Check with md5um

If you have the tarball and the checksam file in the same directory, you can use the md5sum program to check it like this,

$ md5sum -c mkusb-plug-plus-tools.tar.gz.md5.asc
mkusb-plug-plus-tools.tar.gz: OK
md5sum: WARNING: 14 lines are improperly formatted

The 'improperly formatted lines' are the lines belonging to a gpg signature.

There are more details about md5sum and gpg signature at /md5sum

Extract in a local directory

Change directory to the directory where you downloaded the tarball e.g. 'Downloads' and extract the files from the tarball.

cd Downloads  # or to whatever directory where you downloaded the tarball

tar -xvf mkusb-plug-plus-tools.tar.gz

cd to the extracted subdirectory

cd plug-dir/

Install or remove

Run the shellscript installer to install or to remove mkusb-plug.

sudo ./installer i
sudo ./installer r

There are checks for necessary programs, that you may have to install into your version or flavour of Ubuntu or Debian.

You can view the files at this link:

Graphical user interface

There is a graphical user interface, and there is a desktop file, so you can start mkusb-plug

Zenity windows for the main tasks

The main tasks are run via zenity windows:

Text mode dialogue for some peripheral tasks

Some peripheral tasks can be managed via a text mode dialogue:





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mkusb/plug (last edited 2022-08-24 15:59:22 by nio-wiklund)