'''yaourt''' is a bash script compiling programs from source (usually C++ cloned from some github) and installs into Linux automatically. In Manjaro, it works right out of the box, saving a lot of manual configuration. [[yaourt]] is a standard installer in distros [[Manjaro]] and [[archLinux]] and popular in [[Ubuntu]] too. The standard yaourt puts sources in /tmp where they disappear after install. So if you want to work on the sourcecodes, you might want to edit '''/etc/yaourtrc'''. {{{#!cplusplus # yaourtrc - Configuration for yaourt # # See yaourtrc(5) for more information # General AUTOSAVEBACKUPFILE=1 # Build ### cut this french shart # EXPORT=2 # Export to 1: EXPORTDIR or PKGDEST # 2: pacman cache (as root) EXPORT=1 # EXPORTDIR="/var/cache/pacman/pkg-local" EXPORTDIR="/yBUILT/yoEXPlocPACK" ## requires EXPORT=1 # DEVELSRCDIR="/yBUILT" TMPDIR="/yBUILT/yoghtmp" ## Specify the folder to save temporary files (default is /tmp) i.e. RAM, all trojans are gone after NSA drop P_SAVEDIR='/yBUILT/var/lib/yaourt/backupfiles' DEVEL=0 #DEVEL=0 ############# If set to 1, always search for new version of development (CVS/SVN/Git/Mercurial/other VCS) packages when upgrading (yaourt −Su). EXPORTSRC=1 # Need EXPORT>0 to be used #EXPORTDIR="" # If empty, use makepkg's connfiguration (see makepkg.conf) ####################################################################################################### #VISUAL="$VISUAL" #EDITOR="$EDITOR" #FORCEENGLISH=0 #FORCE=0 #NO_TESTDB=0 # SUDO #SUDONOVERIF=0 # Avoid multiple sudo checks when timestamp_timeout=0 #SUDOREDIRECT=1 # Define to 0 in case you use a fingerprint device # ABS #USE_GIT=0 # If the package "abs" is installed, those var are parsed from abs.conf #REPOS=() # REPOS available at $SYNCSERVER #SYNCSERVER="" # AUR #AURURL="" #AURCOMMENT=5 #AURDEVELONLY=0 #AURSEARCH=1 #AURUPGRADE=0 #AURVOTE=1 # Prompt #NOCONFIRM=0 #UP_NOCONFIRM=0 # No prompt while build upgrades (including -Sbu) #BUILD_NOCONFIRM=0 # Only prompt for editing files #PU_NOCONFIRM=0 # Add --noconfirm to $PACMAN -U EDITFILES=0 # like mod src or what ? ################################### #NOENTER=1 # Output #USECOLOR=1 #USEPAGER=0 #DETAILUPGRADE=1 #SHOWORPHANS=1 #TERMINALTITLE=1 # Command #PACMAN="pacman" #MAKEPKG="makepkg" #DIFFEDITCMD="vimdiff" # pacdiffviewer #P_LOCATE=0 # Use locate instead of find #P_SEARCHDIR=(/etc/ /boot/) }}} ---- CategoryInstallation