ডিরেক্টরি এবং ফাইল সিস্টেম

ডিরেক্টরি এবং ফাইল সিস্টেম

In Linux and Unix everything is a file. Directories are files, files are files, and devices are files. Devices are usually referred to as nodes; however, they are still files.

Linux and Unix file systems are organized in a hierarchical, tree-like structure. The highest level of the file system is the / or root directory. All other files and directories exist under the root directory. For example, /home/jebediah/cheeses.odt shows the correct full path to the cheeses.odt file that exists in the jebediah directory, which is under the home directory, which in turn is under the root (/) directory.

Underneath the root (/) directory is a set of important directories common to most Linux distributions. The following is a listing of common directories that are directly under the root (/) directory:

প্রথম অবস্থান (Home)