Users and Groups

Users and Groups

To add users or groups to your system, you can use the Users And Groups application located in K-menu->System Settings->Users and Groups .


You will need to change into the "Administrator Mode" to make changes to Users and Groups.

To add a new user, click on New..., fill in the data fields then click OK. To edit the properties of each user, click the Modify... button located in the main Users window.

To add a new group, select the Groups tab and click New.... Choose a name for the new group and, if you want, change the default value for the Group ID. If you try to allocate a Group ID that is in use, the system will warn you.

You can add users to the newly created group by selecting a user from the left menu and clicking on the Add button. Removing a user from a group is as simple as adding one: select the user from the right menu then click Remove. When you are ready, click OK and the new group with its users, if inserted, will be created.

To edit the properties of a group, from within the Groups main window, choose a group name and click on the Modify... button.

To remove a user or a group from the system, select the user or group you want to delete and click Delete....

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