Instalasi secara Manual

Instalasi secara Manual

Although the preferred method of installing programs is via the package managers described in Bab 3, Menambah, Menghapus dan Memutakhirkan Aplikasi, you can also download and install individual package files containing software. There are many different kinds of Linux package files. Most of these are associated with the package managers of specific Linux distributions.

If you find a packaged application that you wish to install, it is recommended that you check if there is a native Kubuntu package of the application available through a package manager, and that you install that version instead. This guarantees that the program is completely compatible with your system. If there is no package available through the package manager, you can install it manually. The installation procedure depends on the type of package file.

Instal/Uninstal berkas .deb

The package files associated with Kubuntu have the .deb suffix because of Kubuntu's close relation to the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. You can download and install individual .deb files. You will need administrative privileges to do this (see “Root Dan Sudo”).

  1. Untuk menginstal berkas .deb file, cukup klik Kanan pada berkas .deb, dan pilih Kubuntu Package Menu->Install Package.

  2. Alternatively, you can also install a .deb file by opening a terminal and typing:

    sudo dpkg -i berkas_paket.deb
  3. Untuk menguninstal berkas .deb, hapus menggunakan Adept, atau ketik:

    sudo apt-get remove nama_paket

Konversi berkas .rpm ke berkas .deb

Tipe lain dari berkas paket adalah berkas Red Hat Package Manager yang mempunyai akhiran .rpm. Tidak direkomendasikan untuk menginstal berkas ini pada sistem Kubuntu. Dalam semua kasus, paket .deb Kubuntu sudah tersedia. Akan tetapi, jika benar-benar penting, berkas .rpm dapat dikonversi ke paket .deb dengan menggunakan program alien.

  1. Instal program alien (Bab 3, Menambah, Menghapus dan Memutakhirkan Aplikasi).

  2. Jalankan perintah berikut dalam terminal, dengan hak istimewa pengelolaan:

    sudo alien package_file.rpm

Instal dari Sumber

Files with the .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 suffix are package files known as tarballs or source packages which are widely used in Linux. If there is no native Kubuntu package available in any of the Kubuntu repositories, you can try to compile the package from source. For tips on compiling software, look at the Compiling Software page on the Ubuntu Wiki.
