Installer des applications supplémentaires

An application is software that has a graphical user interface (GUI). The Ubuntu development team has chosen a default set of applications that we think makes Ubuntu very useful for most day-to-day tasks. However, you will certainly want to install more applications to make Ubuntu more useful to you. To install an application, you can use App Center.

Applications are available in two formats: snap packages and Debian packages. An application available as a snap package is from now on referred to as a snap. Some applications are available in both formats. In such a case in App Center the snap will be listed first.

Vous souhaiterez peut-être également installer des logiciels qui ne disposent pas d'interface graphique. Pour installer de tels logiciels, vous pouvez utiliser Synaptic. Notez que Synaptic ne liste pas les Snaps.

Pour installer une application :

  1. Click the App Center icon in the Dock, or search for Software in the Activities search bar.

  2. When App Center launches, search for an application, or select a category and find an application from the list.

  3. Sélectionnez l'application que vous voulez installer et cliquez sur Installer.

  4. Vous devrez vous authentifier en entrant votre mot de passe. Une fois fait, l'installation commencera. L'installation se termine généralement rapidement, mais cela peut prendre un certain temps si vous avez une connexion Internet lente.