
Personal Package Archives (PPAs) are software repositories designed for Ubuntu users and are easier to install than other third-party repositories. PPAs are often used to distribute pre-release software so that it can be tested.




  1. PPA の概要ページで Adding this PPA to your system という見出しを探します。ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next のような PPA の場所をメモしてください。

  2. Open Software & Updates via the Activities search bar.

  3. 他のソフトウェアタブに切り替えます。

  4. Click Add and enter the PPA's location (as noted in step 1).

  5. ソースを追加をクリックします。認証ウィンドウにパスワードを入力します。

  6. Close the Software & Updates window. App Center will then check your software sources for new software.