Rename multiple files

Files can be used to change the names of a group of files. You can Rename using a template or Find and replace text.

To rename using a template:

  1. Select two or more files in Files.

  2. Press F2 or right-click on the selection and pick Rename. The Rename window opens.

  3. Make sure Rename using a template is selected.

    The name field contains "[Original filename]" as a placeholder. It can be deleted or added back from the + Add menu.

    Click before or after "[Original filename]" to add letters, words, or numbers to create the pattern you want.

    Certain characters should be avoided on some devices.

    To number the files sequentially, click + Add to choose the number of digits in the number you want added automatically. If you are renaming 10 or more files but fewer than 100, choose two digits (01, 02, 03, 04). Choose three (001, 002, 003, 004) if you have more than 99 files to rename.

    The preview list will show the current filenames on the left and the resulting filenames on the right.

  4. Click the Rename button to apply the pattern you have created, and the files will be renamed.

Když se pustíte do přejmenování souboru, bude označena jen jeho první část a přípona ne (tj. část za poslední .). Přípona normálně naznačuje, o jaký typ souboru se jedná (například soubor.pdf je dokument PDF), a normálně ji nepotřebujete měnit. Pokud potřebujete změnit i příponu, označte celý název a změňte jej.

To rename using find and replace text:

  1. Select two or more files in Files.

  2. Press F2 or right-click on the selection and pick Rename.

  3. Select Find and replace text.

  4. For Existing Text type the text to be replaced. For Replace With, type the new text. The preview list will show the current filenames on the left and the resulting filenames on the right.

  5. Click the Rename button to accept the replacement in the preview, and the files will be renamed.

If you renamed the wrong file, or named your file improperly, you can undo the rename. To revert the action, immediately click the menu button in the sidebar and select Undo Rename, or press Ctrl+Z, to restore the former name.