Diff for "AutomatedNodeDeployment"

Differences between revisions 3 and 5 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2009-04-15 20:27:59
Size: 64383
Editor: nc-65-40-163-193
Revision 5 as of 2009-04-15 21:04:26
Size: 64799
Editor: nc-65-40-163-193
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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apt-get -y install expect apt-get -y install expect
# Install wake-on-LAN
apt-get -y install wakeonlan
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= Summary =  = Summary =
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Example of rendered page:

||{{attachment:green.png}}||node71.home.local <<BR>>Arch:amd64 Release:intrepid <<BR>>Boot method:local <<BR>>MAC address:08:00:27:0c:09:27 <<BR>>IP address:||{{attachment:red.png}}||node72.home.local <<BR>>Arch:amd64 Release:intrepid <<BR>>Boot method:nfs <<BR>>MAC address:08:00:27:3f:4e:2c <<BR>>IP address:||

Setting up an Ubuntu System to deploy Ubuntu

Installing an operating system on multiple systems can be a complicated and daunting task. A check-list may be employed to ensure all systems have similar if not identical configurations. We will employ tools to automate the process not only for disk-full systems, but will include disk-less systems as well.

Many "how to" documents exist on automating the installation of the Linux operating system to include making hard drive images and scripted installations. Many how to documents exist on how to set up various services in Linux as well.

This document was created with the intent of being a comprehensive document that will allow the easy deployment of an Ubuntu HPC cluster. We will not concentrate on parallel computing, only on the deployment of the nodes to support a HPC Cluster.

Bash will be our main tool for the automation. I will explain the purpose of each script as you encounter them on this page.



  • TFTP Server
  • Syslinux
  • DHCP Server
  • NFS Server
  • Debootstrap
  • PXE capable NICs


  • Wake-on-LAN
  • Apache
  • Apt-mirror
  • BIND
  • Whois (for the mkpassword command)
  • Expect

I highly recommend the optional requirements as they will ease the installation of the operating system.

Getting Started

Install Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) on a system that you will use as the deployment server. I prefer a minimal install and then install required/optional packages as needed.

I maintain all the scripts in /opt/cluster, however, you can modify them to be placed in any location. All bash scripts make reference to a global configuration file. Having common variables in a single location eases the coding involved in other scripts, however, may cause confusion when encountering unknown variables when you are making changes to the code.

  • /opt/cluster will contain bash scripts
  • /opt/cluster/config will contain configuration information

Let's create the directory that will contain our scripts and various configuration files:

mkdir -p /opt/cluster/config

Global Configuration

The global configuration file /opt/cluster/config/global.conf contains information related to:

  • Network
  • Server identification
  • File locations
  • Operating system
  • Packages
  • Nodes

Create the common configuration file that is sourced by all other scripts.

- Please note: a file that is sourced does not need to start with a shebang. The shebang i.e #!/bin/bash may be missing from the other scripts due to the wiki mark-up

Create the global configuration:

touch /opt/cluster/config/global.conf

# /opt/cluster/config/global.conf: configuration file for node deployment 
# This file is sourced by files used by the deployment system 

# Site information 

# Service information 

# NODE information 
# Undiscovered node DHCP Range 

# NFS Root filesystem information 
PRE_INST_EXCL_PKGS="ubuntu-minimal" # separated by a comma 
POST_INST_PKGS="linux-image-server" #separated by a space 
PKGS_TO_PURGE="" # separated by a space 
REPOSITORY="main restricted universe multiverse" 

printf "Global configration file loaded\n"

The global configuration file can be sourced with either

  • . /opt/cluster/config/global.conf
  • source /opt/cluster/config/global.conf

As you read on, you will notice most if not all scripts will refer to /opt/cluster/config/global.conf.

global.conf sections:

  • Site information – identifies how our site is configured
  • Service information – identifies various services and their related configuration files
  • Node information – identifies node information. Please take node of the variable NODE as it identifies the name of the first node in the cluster.
  • NFS Root file-system information – identifies information related to creating our NFS root for disk-less systems.

You will notice that Site information uses the same IP address for multiple servers. This is from dedicating a “head node” to systems deployment. You can substitute pre-existing servers to perform some of the same roles.

Head Node Creation

Now that we have defined our global configuration, we will now install the necessary software to make our system the head node. If we can automate the installation of nodes, we should be able to automate the installation and configuration of our deployment server.

The script to create the “head node”:

  • Creates our cluster user with a specific ID and home directory
  • Installs openssh
  • Installs debootstrap
  • Installs apt-mirror (see Note(1) regarding apt-mirror located after script)
  • Configures /etc/apt/mirror.list
  • Installs TFTP
  • Installs syslinux
  • Installs ISC DHCP Server
    • Configures the scope for the DHCP server
  • Installs NTP
    • Configures NTP
  • Installs BIND
    • Configures the forward look-up zone
    • Configures the reverse look-up zone
  • Installs NFS server
    • Configures our exports
  • Install the LAMP stack (see Note(2) regarding LAMP located after script)
    • Makes our Ubuntu mirror available via HTTP
  • Creates our initial node list (blank to begin)
  • Installs parallel-ssh
  • Installs expect
  • Installs wakeonlan

Create makeHeadNode make it executable:

touch /opt/cluster/makeHeadNode
chmod u+x /opt/cluster/makeHeadNode

The following bash script will install the necessary software to allow our head node to be the system used to deploy others, and configure the services provided by each package as it is installed:

# /opt/cluster/makeHeadNode: A script to install necessary software to become the head node 
# used for node deployment. 
# Version 0.1 
# Author: geekshlby


if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf ]; then 
  source $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf 
  printf "Unable to locate the global configuration file.\n" 
  printf "This script looks for configuration files in:\n" 
  printf "$CONFIG_DIR\n" 
  exit 192 
# Install packages on Head Node 
# Create the cluster user and prompt for password 
adduser --uid $NODE_USER_UID --home $NFS_HOME_EXPORT --gecos $NODE_USER $NODE_USER 
# SSH server 
tasksel install openssh-server 
# Debootstrap 
apt-get -y install debootstrap 
# Apt-mirror 
apt-get -y install apt-mirror 
# Since we don't know what release the apt-mirror package defaults to, 
# create the mirror list from scratch e.g. installing on intrepid the mirror list 
# was configured for hardy (this was later fixed in an updated intrepid package)
# after we have mirrored the repositories, we can point /etc/apt/sources.list to our local repository 
printf "set nthreads\t\n" > $MIRROR_LIST_FILE 
printf "set _tilde 0\n\n" >> $MIRROR_LIST_FILE 
printf "deb http://$OFFICIAL_MIRROR $RELEASE main restricted universe multiverse\n" >> $MIRROR_LIST_FILE 
printf "deb http://$OFFICIAL_MIRROR $RELEASE-updates main restricted universe multiverse\n" >> $MIRROR_LIST_FILE 
printf "deb http://$OFFICIAL_MIRROR $RELEASE-security main restricted universe multiverse\n" >> $MIRROR_LIST_FILE 
printf "deb http://$OFFICIAL_MIRROR $RELEASE main/debian-installer restricted/debian-installer universe/debian-installer multiverse/debian-installer" >> $MIRROR_LIST_FILE 
printf "deb http://$OFFICIAL_MIRROR $RELEASE-updates main/debian-installer universe/debian-installer\n">> $MIRROR_LIST_FILE 
printf "deb http://$OFFICIAL_MIRROR $RELEASE-security main/debian-installer\n\n" >> $MIRROR_LIST_FILE 
printf "clean http://$OFFICIAL_MIRROR\n" >> $MIRROR_LIST_FILE 
# TFTP Server 
apt-get -y install tftpd-hpa 
/etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd stop 
update-rc.d -f openbsd-inetd remove 
sed -i s/no/yes/ /etc/default/tftpd-hpa 
/etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa start 
# Syslinux 
apt-get -y install syslinux 
cp /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0 $TFTP_ROOT 
mkdir -p $TFTP_ROOT/pxelinux.cfg 
# DHCP Server 
apt-get -y install dhcp3-server 
# Global options for DHCP that will apply to all client 
# Undiscovered nodes 
# Generate a new base dhcpd.conf 
printf "#Global options\n\n" > $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "ddns-update-style $DDNS_STYLE;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "option domain-name \"$DOMAIN_NAME\";\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "option domain-name-servers $NAME_SERVER_IP;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "option ntp-servers $NTP_SERVER_IP;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "option routers $ROUTER_IP;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "option subnet-mask $SUBNET_MASK;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "option broadcast-address $BROADCAST;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "default-lease-time $DEFAULT_LEASE_TIME;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "max-lease-time $MAX_LEASE_TIME;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "option time-offset $TIME_OFFSET;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "log-facility $LOG_FACILITY;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "allow $ALLOW_BOOT;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "allow $ALLOW_BOOTP;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "filename \"$FILENAME\";\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "next-server $TFTP_SERVER_IP;\n\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "#Undiscovered nodes\n\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "subnet $NETWORK netmask $SUBNET_MASK {\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "\tget-lease-hostnames $GET_LEASE_NAMES;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "\tuse-host-decl-names $USE_HOST_DECL_NAME;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "}\n\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "#Begin reservations for discovered nodes\n\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start 
# NTP Server 
apt-get -y install ntp 
sed -i s/server\ ntp.ubuntu.com/server\ us.pool.ntp.org/ /etc/ntp.conf 
sed -i '/us.pool.ntp.org/a server ntp.ubuntu.com\nrestrict us.pool.ntp.org mask nomodify notrap noquery\nrestrict ntp.ubuntu.com mask nomodify notrap noquery\nrestrict mask nomodify notrap' /etc/ntp.conf 
/etc/init.d/ntp restart 
# DNS Server 
apt-get -y install bind9 
printf "zone \"$DOMAIN_NAME\" {\n" > $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "\ttype master;\n" >> $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "\tnotify no;\n" >> $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "\tfile \"$DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG\";\n" >> $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "};\n\n" >> $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "zone \"1.10.10.in-addr.arpa\" {\n" >> $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "\ttype master;\n" >> $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "\tnotify no;\n" >> $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "\tfile \"$DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG\";\n" >> $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "};\n" >> $DNS_CONFIG_FILE 
# Config for forward zone 
printf ";\n; BIND data file for $DOMAIN_NAME domain\n;\n" > $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf "\$TTL\t604800\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t1\t\t; Serial\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t604800\t\t; Refresh\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t86400\t\t; Retry\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t2419200\t\t; Expire\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t604800 )\t; Negative Cache TTL\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf ";\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\tMX\t10 $HEAD_NODE.$DOMAIN_NAME.\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf "@\t\tIN\tA\t$HEAD_NODE_IP\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
# Generate names for undiscovered nodes 
printf ";Automatic name generation for undiscovered nodes\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf "\$GENERATE $(printf $DHCP_RANGE_START | cut -d. -f4)-$(printf $DHCP_RANGE_STOP | cut -d. -f4) dhcp-\$\tIN\tA\t$(printf $NETWORK | sed 's\0$\\')\$\n\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
printf ";Discovered nodes\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
# Config for reverse zone 
printf ";\n; BIND reverse data file for $DOMAIN_NAME domain\n;\n" > $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG printf "\$TTL\t604800\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t1\t\t; Serial\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t604800\t\t; Refresh\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t86400\t\t; Retry\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t2419200\t\t; Expire\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf "\t\t\t\t604800 )\t; Negative Cache TTL\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf ";\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf "$(printf $ROUTER_IP | cut -d. -f4)\t\tIN\tPTR\t$ROUTER_NAME.$DOMAIN_NAME.\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf "$(printf $HEAD_NODE_IP | cut -d. -f4)\t\tIN\tPTR\t$HEAD_NODE.$DOMAIN_NAME.\n\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
# Generate reverse names for undiscovered nodes 
printf ";Automatic name generation for undiscovered nodes\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf "\$GENERATE $(printf $DHCP_RANGE_START | cut -d. -f4)-$(printf $DHCP_RANGE_STOP | cut -d. -f4) \$\t\tIN\tPTR\tdhcp-\$.$DOMAIN_NAME.\n\n"  >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
printf ";Discovered nodes\n" >> $DNS_REVERSE_CONFIG 
/etc/init.d/bind9 restart 
#Make ourself the resolver 
printf "domain $DOMAIN_NAME\n" > /etc/resolv.conf 
printf "search $DOMAIN_NAME\n" >> /etc/resolv.conf 
printf "nameserver $NAME_SERVER_IP\n" >> /etc/resolv.conf 
# NFS Server 
apt-get -y install nfs-kernel-server 
mkdir -p $NFS_ROOT_EXPORT 
printf "$NFS_ROOT_EXPORT\t\t$NETWORK/24(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)\n" > $NFS_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "$NFS_HOME_EXPORT\t\t$NETWORK/24(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)\n" >> $NFS_CONFIG_FILE 
exportfs -a 
# Web Server 
tasksel install lamp-server 
ln -s /var/spool/apt-mirror/mirror/us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu /var/www/ubuntu 
# Create an empty node list 
# Install parallel-ssh 
apt-get -y install pssh 
for PUSHTOPLACE in /root /srv/cluster; do 
        pushd $PUSHTOPLACE 
        printf "alias /usr/bin/parallel-ssh='pssh -h /opt/cluster/config/hosts.txt'\n" >> $PUSHTOPLACE/.bashrc 
        printf "alias /usr/bin/parallel-scp='pscp -h /opt/cluster/config/hosts.txt'\n" >> $PUSHTOPLACE/.bashrc 
        printf "alias /usr/bin/parallel-rsync='prsync -h /opt/cluster/config/hosts.txt'\n" >> $PUSHTOPLACE/.bashrc 
        printf "alias /usr/bin/parallel-nuke='pnuke -h /opt/cluster/config/hosts.txt'\n" >> $PUSHTOPLACE/.bashrc 
        printf "alias /usr/bin/parallel-slurp='pslurp -h /opt/cluster/config/hosts.txt'\n" >> $PUSHTOPLACE/.bashrc 
# Install expect 
apt-get -y install expect
# Install wake-on-LAN
apt-get -y install wakeonlan

exit 0

Note(1) Apt-mirror is a tool which will allow you to maintain a local mirror of the Ubuntu repositories. You will be able to make the mirror available via HTTP, FTP, NFS, etc. In our will use HTTP which will require the installation of a Web Server. Mirroring the repository (to include main, updates, multiverse, universe, and restricted for the amd64 architecture of a single release will require approximately 24 GB of space. The length of time required for the mirror process to complete is dependent upon several factors, one of which is bandwidth. It took me approximately 2.5 days via DSL. Apt-mirror is not a requirement for this exercise, however, greatly reduces the length of time to deploy an Ubuntu system. I recommend apt-mirror to be installed. If you choose to use apt-mirror, you can update /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the local repository. This can be included in the makeHeadNode script.

Note(2) The entire LAMP stack is not needed. Since we will be providing the Ubuntu repositories via HTTP as well as the preseed configuration file, all that is needed is Apache. I prefer the LAMP stack as it provides a multitude of possibilities. Some of which will be appended to the end of this document.

Bootstrap an Ubuntu Installation

Now that our prerequisite software is installed and configured will will create a base installation for use by disk-less nodes.

The script to bootstrap an Ubuntu installation:

  • Archives the previous bootstrap installation if one was completed for the same release and architechure
  • Performs a bootstrap installation based upon variables sourced from /opt/cluster/global.conf
  • Updates the bootstrap installation:
  • Updates /etc/apt/sources.list to use our local repository
  • Updates /etc/fstab to mount our cluster user home directory
  • Updates the bootstrap build environment with a generic host name
  • Updates /etc/ntp.conf to use our own NTP server
  • Updates /etc/apt/network/interfaces to be a generic configuration
  • Chroots into out build environment and installs additional software based upon /opt/cluster/global.conf
  • Chroots into our build environment and removes software based upon /opt/cluster/global.conf
  • Updates the build environment's initramfs to be NFS aware and copies it to out TFTP server root directory
  • Prompts for a root password
  • Creates our cluster user with a specific UID and home directory
  • Determines what kernel and initramfs was installed
  • Copies the build environment kernel and initramfs to our TFTP server root directory
  • Downloads the Ubuntu installer from an official repository to out TFTP server root directory (see Note(3) following the script)

Create buildBase and make it executable:

touch /opt/cluster/buildBase
chmod u+x /opt/cluster/buildBase

The following script will create our bootstrapped system to be used as our NFS root file-system:

# /opt/cluster/buildBase: A script to boostrap an Ubuntu system 
# Version 0.1 
# Author: geekshlby


if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf ]; then 
  source $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf 
  printf "Unable to locate the global configuration file.\n" 
  printf "This script looks for configuration files in:\n" 
  printf "$CONFIG_DIR\n" 
  exit 192 

progress () 
        until [ $DOT -gt 30 ]; do 
                printf "." 
        printf "\n" 

# Check to see if we have used debootstrap for this same release and architecture on a previous ocassion. 
if [ -d $NFS_BUILD_DIR ]; then 
  printf "Archiving previous installation...\n" 
  tar --checkpoint=100 --checkpoint-action=exec='printf "."' -czf $HEAD_NODE_WORKING_DIR/nfsroot-$(date +%m-%d-%y).tgz $NFS_BUILD_DIR 
  printf "\n" 
  printf "Removing previous installation..."; progress 
  rm -rf $NFS_BUILD_DIR 
  mkdir -p $NFS_BUILD_DIR 

# Bootstrap the installation 
printf "Performing a bootstrap of $RELEASE-$ARCH..."; progress 

# Reconfigure our locale and time zone 
printf "Updating locale and timezone..."; progress 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR dpkg-reconfigure locales 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR dpkg-reconfigure tzdata 

# Update the apt sources 
printf "Updating apt sources..."; progress 

# Update fstab 
printf "Updating fstab to include proc..."; progress 
printf "proc\t\t/proc\t\tproc\tdefaults\t0\t0\n" >> $FSTAB_FILE 
printf "Updating fstab to include CD-ROM..."; progress 
printf "/dev/scd0\t/media/cdrom\tudf,iso9660\tuser,noauto,exec,utf8\t0\t0\n" >> $FSTAB_FILE 
printf "Updating fstab to include $NFS_USER\'s NFS home directory..."; progress 
printf "$NFS_SERVER_NAME.$DOMAIN_NAME:$NFS_HOME_EXPORT\t/home/cluster\tnfs\trw,auto\t0 0\n" >> $FSTAB_FILE 

# Update the build environment with a generic host-name 
# The hostname defaults to the host-name of the system on which it was built 
printf "Updating build environment with generic host name..."; progress 

# Update NTP configuration to sync with local time server 
printf "Updating NTP configuration..."; progress 
sed -i s/ntp.ubuntu.com/$NTP_SERVER_NAME.$DOMAIN_NAME/ $NTP_CONF_FILE 
sed -i "/$NTP_SERVER_NAME.$DOMAIN_NAME/a restrict $NTP_SERVER_NAME.$DOMAIN_NAME mask nomodify notrap noquery" $NTP_CONF_FILE 

# Prepare a generic network interfaces config 
printf "Updating build environment with generic interface configuration..."; progress 
printf "#The loopback network interface\n" >> $INTERFACE_FILE 
printf "auto lo\n" >> $INTERFACE_FILE 
printf "iface lo inet loopback\n\n" >> $INTERFACE_FILE 
printf "#The primary network interface\n" >> $INTERFACE_FILE 
printf "auto eth0\n" >> $INTERFACE_FILE 
printf "iface eth0 inet manual\n" >> $INTERFACE_FILE 
printf "Updating hosts files to include loopback interface..."; progress 
printf "\tlocalhost\n" > $HOSTS_FILE 

# Mount proc in our build environment and ensure our base system is at the latest versions 
printf "Updating packages to most recent versions..."; progress 
mount proc $NFS_BUILD_DIR/proc -t proc 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR apt-get -y update 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR apt-get -y dist-upgrade 

# Install additional packages 
printf "Installing additional packages..."; progress 
  chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR apt-get -q -y install $PACKAGE 

# Remove packages 
printf "Purging packages..."; progress 
  chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR apt-get -y remove --purge $PACKAGE 

# Determine the name of the kernel and initrd that was installed 
BASE_KERNEL_FILE=$(basename `ls $NFS_BUILD_DIR/boot/vmlinuz*`) 
BASE_INITRD_FILE=$(basename `ls $NFS_BUILD_DIR/boot/initrd*`) 
ORIGINAL_INITRD_FILE=$(printf $BASE_INITRD_FILE | sed s/img/img-original/) 
NFS_INITRD_FILE=$(printf $BASE_INITRD_FILE | sed s/img/img-nfs/) 

# Copy the unmodified initramfs to our TFTP root 
printf "Copying unmodifed inittf to TPTP server..."; progress 
mkdir -p $NODE_PXE 
printf "base-initrd,$ORIGINAL_INITRD_FILE\n" > $CURRENT_PXE_FILES 

# Update the initramfs to reflect a NFS root 
# We can do this before the kernel is installed in the chroot, howerver, we want to 
# have both disk-less and disk-ful node support 
printf "Updating initramfs to reflect an NFS root..."; progress 
sed -i.orig s/BOOT=local/BOOT=nfs/ $NFS_BUILD_DIR/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR update-initramfs -u 

# Install ubuntu-server 
printf "Installing ubuntu-server..."; progress 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR tasksel install server 

# Clean up the package cache 
printf "Cleaning package cache..."; progress 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR apt-get clean 

# Remove the /etc/rcS.d init script which parses /etc/fstab and replace it 
# with the one located in /etc/network/if-up.d 
# See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/+bugs/275451 
# for details 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR unlink /etc/rcS.d/S45mountnfs.sh 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR ln -s /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs /etc/rcS.d/S45mountnfs 

# set a root password for 
printf "Setting password for root..."; progress 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR passwd 

# create the node user and ask us for password 
printf "Setting password for $NODE_USER..."; progress 
chroot $NFS_BUILD_DIR adduser --uid $NODE_USER_UID --gecos $NODE_USER $NODE_USER 

# Unmount proc from our build environment 
umount $NFS_BUILD_DIR/proc 

# Copy the kernel to our TFTP root 
printf "Copying kernel to TFTP server..."; progress 
printf "base-kernel,$BASE_KERNEL_FILE\n" >> $CURRENT_PXE_FILES 

# Copy the NFS aware initrd to our TFTP root 
printf "Copying NFS root aware initramfs to TFTP server..."; progress 
printf "nfs-initrd,$NFS_INITRD_FILE\n" >> $CURRENT_PXE_FILES 

## We can actually remove the kernel from the build environment.  No need to keep it. 

# Copy the netboot initrd and kernel into out TFPT root.  This can be gathered from 
# the server CD or online 
if [ ! -f $NODE_PXE/installer-linux ]; then 
  printf "Collecting the netboot installer kernel and initrd from us.archive.ubuntu.com"; progress 
  wget -nv -O $NODE_PXE/installer-linux http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/$RELEASE/main/installer-$ARCH/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/$ARCH/linux 
  wget -nv -O $NODE_PXE/installer-initrd.gz  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/$RELEASE/main/installer-$ARCH/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/$ARCH/initrd.gz 

printf "Process complete!\n" 

exit 0

Note(3) The Ubuntu installer is downloaded to support the installation of Ubuntu on disk-full nodes.

At this point, we can simple copy the Ubuntu bootstrap installation to our NFS export and update our PXELINUX configuration however, this document is intended to mass produce both disk-full and disk-less systems.

Create a method to discover new nodes

We can either use a menu based PXE install and boot each node one at a time to either a NFS root or to the Ubuntu installation routine, or we can allow the nodes to communicate with the head node and register if they have a local disk installed along with their MAC address. The head node will in-turn maintain a list of known nodes and configure DHCP and DNS to support them along with a NFS root if the nodes do not have local disks.

To support the nodes communicating with the head node, we will boot the nodes via PXE to a minimal environment using the kernel and initramfs we initially copied to the root of our TFTP server. The initramfs needs to be modified to provide a method of informing the head node of its hardware details.

We can either uncompress the initial initramfs manually, or we can create a script to do it for us.

The script to modify the initramfs should:

  • Create a temporary working location
  • Uncompress the initramfs
  • Copy netcat into the initramfs working location
  • Modify init so it will:
  • Start udev
  • Start networking
  • Check if a local disk exists
  • Communicate with the head node
  • Power off
  • Compress our modified initramfs and copy it to our TFTP server

Create buildDiscoveryInitrd and make it executable:

touch /opt/cluster/ buildDiscoveryInitrd
chmod u+x /opt/cluster/ buildDiscoveryInitrd

The following bash script will add netcat to our initramfs and modify init:

# /opt/cluster/buildDiscoveryInitrd: A scipt to generate a new initrd used for node discovery 
# Version 0.1 
# Author: geekshlby


if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf ]; then 
  source $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf 
  printf "Unable to locate the global configuration file.\n" 
  printf "This script looks for configuration files in:\n" 
  printf "$CONFIG_DIR\n" 
  exit 192 


# Create a directory to store the build environment 
mkdir -p $INITRD_TMP_DIR 

# Set our working directory to our temp directory for the initrd 

# Uncompress the initrd 
gzip -dc $NODE_PXE/$(grep base-initrd $CURRENT_PXE_FILES | cut -d, -f2) | cpio -id 

# We will Use netcat as the client to talk to the head node 
cp $NFS_BUILD_DIR/bin/nc ./bin 

#We will use fdisk to check if a local disk exists 
cp $NFS_BUILD_DIR/sbin/fdisk ./sbin 

# Modify the init so it will: 
#       1.  Start udev 
#       2.  Start networking 
#       3.  Check if a local disk exists 
#       3.  Communicate with head node 
#       4.  Poweroff before booting to a full system 
sed -i '/^load_modules/a /sbin/udevd --daemon\n/sbin/udevadm trigger\n/sbin/udevadm settle\nifconfig eth0 up\n/bin/ipconfig eth0 > /tmp/ipinfo\nmac=\$(cat /tmp/ipinfo \| grep hardware \| cut -d" " -f5)\nif [ -b /dev/sda ] || [ -b /dev/hda ] || [ -b /dev/vda ]; then\n\tboot_method="local"\nelse\n\tboot_method="nfs"\nfi\nprintf "$boot_method,$mac" \| /bin/nc -q2 '"$HEAD_NODE_IP"' 3001\npoweroff' init 

# Compress the initrd 
find . | cpio --quiet --dereference -o -H newc | gzip -9 > $NODE_PXE/discovery-initrd.img 


# Generate the default PXELINUX configuration file 
printf "DEFAULT linux\n\n" >> $DEFAULT_PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "LABEL linux\n" >> $DEFAULT_PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "KERNEL nodes/$RELEASE/$ARCH/$(grep base-kernel $CURRENT_PXE_FILES | cut -d, -f2)\n" >> $DEFAULT_PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
printf "APPEND initrd=nodes/$RELEASE/$ARCH/discovery-initrd.img ip=dhcp\n" >> $DEFAULT_PXE_CONFIG_FILE 

exit 0

At this point, when an undiscovered node boots via PXE it will attempt to inform the head node what the node's MAC address is and if it has a local hard drive.

Head Node Listens for Connections

We will need netcat on the head node to listen for connections from undiscovered nodes and register them to await Ubuntu deployment.

The script to get the MACs from the nodes:

  • Determines what the node name will be
  • Runs netcat indefinitely waiting for node information
  • Registers:
    • Node name
    • Architecture
    • Ubuntu release
    • Boot method (local disk or NFS)
    • MAC address
    • IP address

Create getMACs and make it executable:

touch /opt/cluster/getMACs
chmod u+x /opt/cluster/getMACs

If the getMACs script is not running, no new nodes will be registered for deployment.

# /opt/cluster/getMACs: A script to log the MACs from the nodes 
# Version 0.1 
# Author: geekshlby


if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf ]; then 
  source $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf 
  printf "Unable to locate the global configuration file.\n" 
  printf "This script looks for configuration files in:\n" 
  printf "$CONFIG_DIR\n" 
  exit 192 

# Check to see what our first node number will be. 

TEMP_NUMBER=$(tail -n1 $MASTER_NODE_LIST | cut -d, -f1 | sed s/$BASE_NODE_NAME//) 
if [ ! $TEMP_NUMBER = "" ]; then 

# Infinitely run netcat listening for new nodes
# Update the node list with: 
#       Generated node name 
#       MAC from the node 
#       Generated IP address 
while true; do 
        NODE_INFO=$(netcat -l -p 3001) 

When an undiscovered node is booted via PXE, it will now boot our discovery initramfs and provide the head node with useful information. The head node will register the nodes into a simple text file /opt/cluster/config/new_nodes.txt.

You can watch the process of new nodes registering once /opt/cluster/getMACs is executed by switching to a different console or terminal and executing:

tail -f /opt/cluster/config/new_nodes.txt

Process new nodes

We now need to process the registered nodes. We need to create a NFS root file system for each node that does not have a local disk, and we need to prepare to install Ubuntu on nodes that have a disk.

We will use a preseed configuration file to install Ubuntu on the nodes that have local disks.

The script to process the newly registered nodes should:

  • Determine if it will be a NFS node or a local boot node
  • Creates the PXELINUX configuration for the nodes
  • Updates DNS with the node's host name and IP address
  • Reserves an IP address with DHCP for the nodes
  • Create the NFS root filesystem for the node (copies our boostrapped installation to our NFS export for each node)
  • Moves the node from the new node registration to our master node list

Create makeNodes and make it executable:

touch /opt/cluster/makeNodes
chmod u+x /opt/cluster/makeNodes

The following script will parse newly registered nodes:

# makeNodes: A script to update/generate configuration for new nodes. 
# configuration files for the nodes 
# This script will: 
#       Update DHCP 
#       Update DNS 
#       Create nfs root filesystems if needed 
#       Create PXELINUX configuration files 
#       Update the master node list 
#       Restart DHCP and reload DNS 
# Version 0.1 
# Author: geekshlby


if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf ]; then 
  source $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf 
  printf "Unable to locate the global configuration file.\n" 
  printf "This script looks for configuration files in:\n" 
  printf "$CONFIG_DIR\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

updateDHCP () 
  case $BOOT_METHOD in 
    printf "host $NODE_NAME {\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "\thardware ethernet $MAC_ADDRESS;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "\tfixed-address $IP_ADDRESS;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "\toption host-name \"$NODE_NAME\";\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "}\n\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    # Create the PXELINUX configuration for the node 
    PXE_CONFIG_FILE="$TFTP_ROOT/pxelinux.cfg/01-$(printf $MAC_ADDRESS | tr : -)" 
    printf "PROMPT 0\n" > $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "DEFAULT linux\n\n" >> $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "LABEL linux\n" >> $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "KERNEL nodes/$RELEASE/$ARCH/installer-linux\n" >> $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "APPEND initrd=nodes/$RELEASE/$ARCH/installer-initrd.gz ip=dhcp preseed/url=http://www.home.local/preseed.cfg auto-install/enable debconf/priority=critical locale=en_US console-setup/ask_detect=false console-setup/modelcode=pc105 console-setup/layoutcode=us hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false\n" >> $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "host $NODE_NAME {\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "\thardware ethernet $MAC_ADDRESS;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "\tfixed-address $IP_ADDRESS;\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "\toption host-name \"$NODE_NAME\";\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "\toption root-path \"$NFS_ROOT_EXPORT/$NODE_NAME\";\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "}\n\n" >> $DHCPD_CONFIG_FILE 
    # Create the PXELINUX configuration for the node 
    PXE_CONFIG_FILE="$TFTP_ROOT/pxelinux.cfg/01-$(printf $MAC_ADDRESS | tr : -)" 
    printf "PROMPT 0\n" > $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "DEFAULT linux\n\n" >> $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "LABEL linux\n" >> $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "KERNEL nodes/$RELEASE/$ARCH/$(grep base-kernel $CURRENT_PXE_FILES | cut -d, -f2)\n" >> $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 
    printf "APPEND root=/dev/nfs initrd=nodes/$RELEASE/$ARCH/$(grep nfs-initrd $CURRENT_PXE_FILES | cut -d, -f2) ip=dhcp\n" >> $PXE_CONFIG_FILE 

updateDNS () 
        printf "$NODE_NAME\t\tIN\tA\t$IP_ADDRESS\n" >> $DNS_FORWARD_CONFIG 
        # reverse zone 
        IP_OCTET=$(printf $IP_ADDRESS | cut -d. -f4) 

updateNFSROOT () 
# Create the directory filesystem for the node 
  if [ ! -d $NFS_ROOT_EXPORT/$NODE_NAME ]; then 
    rsync -a --numeric-ids $NFS_BUILD_DIR/ $NFS_ROOT_EXPORT/$NODE_NAME 
    # Make filesystem node specific 
    printf "$NODE_NAME\n" > $NFS_ROOT_EXPORT/$NODE_NAME/etc/hostname 
    printf "$NODE_NAME... file-system created\n" 
    printf "$NODE_NAME... file-system already exists; not created\n" 

while read LINE ; do 
  NODE_NAME=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f1) 
  BOOT_METHOD=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f4) 
  MAC_ADDRESS=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f5) 
  IP_ADDRESS=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f6) 
  printf "$NODE_NAME... DHCP updated\n" 
  printf "$NODE_NAME... DNS updated\n" 
  if  [ $BOOT_METHOD = "nfs" ]; then 
    printf "$NODE_NAME... creating file-system\n" 
    printf "$NODE_NAME... local boot; NFS root file-system not created\n" 
  printf "\n" 

# Append the new node list to the master node list 

#clear the new node list 

# Restart the DHCP server 
/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart 

# Reread DNS zones with RNDC 
/usr/sbin/rndc reload 

# Update the hosts.txt file for parallel-ssh 
cat $MASTER_NODE_LIST | cut -d, -f1 > $PSSH_HOST_FILE 

exit 0

When a discovered disk-less system is now booted via PXE, the node will boot the NFS aware initramfs and mount their root directory over NFS.

The nodes with local disks will boot the Ubuntu installer kernel and initramfs and will attempt to download a preseed configuration file from the head node. Using the preseed configuration file will allow us to have a no questions asked installation of Ubuntu.

The installer will attempt to locate the preseed file from the root document directory of our Apache server.

Create /var/www/preseed.cfg

touch /var/www/preseed.cfg

The following is the pressed.cfg file I am using to perform a hands-off installation of Ubuntu:

d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US 
d-i console-setup/ask_detect boolean false 
d-i console-setup/modelcode string pc105 
d-i console-setup/layoutcode string us 
d-i netcfg/choose_interface select eth0 
d-i netcfg/get_hostname string unassigned-hostname 
d-i netcfg/get_domain string unassigned-domain 
d-i mirror/country string manual 
d-i mirror/http/hostname string mirror.home.local 
d-i mirror/http/directory string /ubuntu 
d-i mirror/http/proxy http://proxy.home.local:3128/ 
d-i mirror/suite string jaunty 
d-i mirror/udeb/suite string jaunty 
d-i mirror/udeb/components multiselect main, restricted 
d-i clock-setup/utc boolean false 
d-i time/zone string US/Eastern 
d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean false 
d-i partman-auto/method string lvm 
d-i partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true 
d-i partman-lvm/confirm boolean true 
d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic 
d-i partman/confirm_write_new_label boolean true 
d-i partman/choose_partition select finish 
d-i partman/confirm boolean true 
d-i base-installer/kernel/image string linux-server 
d-i passwd/root-login boolean true 
d-i passwd/make-user boolean true 
d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password $1$lQ7iu8aE$9YeFJJsCCVd9hgWD48VG11 
d-i passwd/user-fullname string cluster 
d-i passwd/username string cluster 
d-i passwd/user-password-crypted password $1$lQ7iu8aE$9YeFJJsCCVd9hgWD48VG11 
d-i passwd/user-uid string 1010 
d-i apt-setup/restricted boolean true 
d-i apt-setup/universe boolean true 
d-i apt-setup/services-select multiselect security 
d-i apt-setup/security_host string mirror.home.local 
d-i apt-setup/security_path string /ubuntu 
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-server 
d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server nfs-common wget ntp vim 
d-i pkgsel/language-packs multiselect en 
d-i pkgsel/update-policy select none 
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false 
d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true 
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true 
d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note 
d-i cdrom-detect/eject boolean false 
xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/autodetect_monitor boolean true 
xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/monitor/selection-method \ 
       select medium 
xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/monitor/mode-list \ 
       select 1024x768 @ 60 Hz 
d-i preseed/late_command string wget -q -O - http://headnode.home.local/preseed_late_command.sh | chroot /target /bin/bash

I have removed the comments from the above preseed.cfg file to make the document shorter. The original file is well commented. At the time I wrote this document, the installation guide for Jaunty was not available on the web. A commented example for intrepid can be located at: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt

The encrypted password was generated with mkpasswd. mkpasswd is part of the whois package.

The format of the preseed file changes as each new Ubuntu release. Be sure to use an example for your specific version.

When our discovered nodes boot via PXE, they will initiate the Ubuntu installer and automatically have their operating system installed. Our preseed example includes the statement:

d-i preseed/late_command string wget -q -O – http://headnode.home.local/preseed_late_command.sh | chroot /target /bin/bash

This will cause the node to download the file preseed_late_command.sh from our head node using wget. Using the preseed/late_command in our preseed will allow us to make any post-installation tasks to the newly installed operating system prior to its reboot.

Our preseed late command will:

  • Add our NFS mounted home directory to /etc/fstab
  • Modify /etc/ntp.conf to point use our head node as the time server
  • Update /etc/apt/sources.list
  • Modify the symlink for /bin/sh

The preseed/late command will allows us to make changes as if we were logged in to the system.

Example preseed_late_command.sh:

# /var/www/preseed_late_command.sh: A script to make configuration changes at the end of installation 

# Add our NFS mount to fstab 
printf "nfs.home.local:/srv/cluster\t/home/cluster\tnfs\trw,auto\t0 0\n" >> /etc/fstab 

# change /etc/hosts file to remove and use the IP address of the node 
NODE_IP=$(host $NODE_NAME | cut -d" " -f4) 
sed -i s/$NODE_IP/ /etc/hosts 

# change /etc/ntp.conf to use our NTP server 
sed -i s/ntp.ubuntu.com/ntp.home.local/ /etc/ntp.conf 
sed -i '/ntp.home.local/a restrict ntp.home.local mask nomodify notrap noquery' /etc/ntp.conf 

# Clean up apt sources 
# /etc/apt/sources.list 
sed -i /deb-src/d /etc/apt/sources.list 
sed -i /#/d /etc/apt/sources.list 
sed -i /^$/d /etc/apt/sources.list 

# Ubuntu symlinks /bin/sh to /bin/dash.  Change it to /bin/bash 
ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh 

exit 0


By this time, our nodes are running their new Ubuntu operating system. In order to communicate with the nodes using SSH, we must first gather the host key for each node, and then copy our SSH public key to each node. This can be accomplished manually, however, would be very time intensive on multiple nodes. We will script this process using both BASH and Expect but first we should generate our SSH keys for our root user and our cluster user. We will not use a password to allow for password-less SSH.

Generate Head Node SSH keys

ssh-keygen -t dsa 
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_dsa): <press enter>
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <press enter>
Enter same passphrase again: <press enter>

Update Node SSH keys

The following two scripts will gather the SSH host key from each node, and then copy the known hosts along with our public and private keys to every node. A common set of keys will allow us to SSH between nodes without having to copy public keys from node A to every node, then node B to every node, etc.

Although the script will prompt us for a password, please consider this insecure as the password can be viewed with ps aux while the script is running.

Since the home directory for the cluster user is shared among all the nodes, they will share the same ssh keys. We will however, need to update the cluster users known_hosts file. A similar bash script can be used to accomplish this.

The bash script will execute the expect script.

# /opt/cluster/copyKeys: A script to generate the SSH known_hosts file 
# Version 0.1 
# Author: geekshlby
if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 
if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf ]; then 
  source $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf 
  printf "Unable to locate the global configuration file.\n" 
  printf "This script looks for configuration files in:\n" 
  printf "$CONFIG_DIR\n" 
  exit 192 
printf "We need a password to communicate with disk-ful systems:\n" 
read -s -p "Password: " SSH_PASSWORD 
# Iterate the node list 
while read LINE; do 
        NODE_NAME=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f1) 
        # If we can ping the host, attempt to ssh to it just to get its host key 
        if /bin/ping -c2 -w2 $NODE_NAME > /dev/null; then 
            printf "Ping of $NODE_NAME succeeded\n" 
            ssh -n -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "BatchMode yes" $NODE_NAME date > /dev/null 
            printf "Unable to ping $NODE_NAME\n" 
            printf "$NODE_NAME not added to ssh known hosts\n" 

# The local copy of ssh known_hosts should now contain host keys for all nodes 
# Loop through the nodes once more and copy our .ssh to to each node - This ensure all nodes 
# have the same keys 
while read LINE; do 
        NODE_NAME=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f1) 
        if /bin/ping -c2 -w2 $NODE_NAME > /dev/null; then 
            printf "Ping of $NODE_NAME succeeded\n" 
            /usr/bin/expect copyKeys.exp $NODE_NAME $SSH_PASSWORD 
            printf "Unable to ping $NODE_NAME\n" 
            printf "SSH keys not copied to $NODE_NAME\n" 
exit 0

# /opt/cluster/copykeys.exp: A script to automate the password on SSH 
# so we can copy the keys for passwordless logins 

set force_conservative 0  ;# set to 1 to force conservative mode even if 
                          ;# script wasn't run conservatively originally 
if {$force_conservative} { 
        set send_slow {1 .1} 
        proc send {ignore arg} { 
                sleep .1 
                exp_send -s -- $arg 

set NODE_NAME "[lindex $argv 0]" 
set SSH_PASSWORD "[lindex $argv 1]" 
set timeout -1 
match_max 10000 
set timeout 100 
spawn /bin/bash -c "scp -r /root/.ssh $NODE_NAME:/root/" 
expect { 
        -re "password: " {send "$SSH_PASSWORD\r";exp_continue} 


Attempting to execute commands via SSH to each node may be a bit cumbersome. We can of course create a script to loop through all the nodes listed in nodes.txt. Parallel-ssh is an alternative method to accomplish this. Parallel-ssh allows execution of commands on the nodes at the same time (i.e. in parallel).

The pssh package provides:

  • Parallel ssh
  • Parallel scp
  • Parallel rsync
  • Parallel nuke
  • Parallel slurp

The parallel-ssh suite of tools requires the list of hosts to be in a format different than master node list (nodes.txt). Create the host file that contains only the host names:

pushd /opt/cluster/config
cut -d, -f1 nodes.txt > hosts.txt

We of course, can create a script that will parse the master node list and output the host list in a pssh friendly format. The following script will do just that:

# /opt/cluster/makePSSH: A script to update the hosts file for parallel-ssh 
# Version 0.1 
# Author: geekshlby


if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf ]; then 
  source $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf 
  printf "Unable to locate the global configuration file.\n" 
  printf "This script looks for configuration files in:\n" 
  printf "$CONFIG_DIR\n" 
  exit 192 
cut -d, -f1 $MASTER_NODE_LIST > $HEAD_NODE_CONFIG_DIR/hosts.txt 

exit 0

When we installed the parallel-ssh suite of tools, we also created aliases to shorten their names for both the root and cluster users. Instead of executing parallel-ssh -h /opt/cluster/config/hosts.txt command, we can simply type pssh command.

Example output from a pssh session:

# Example uptime from all the nodes 
sudo pssh -i -h hosts.txt uptime 
[1] 00:48:32 [SUCCESS] node81 
 00:48:32 up 4 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.03, 0.00 
[2] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node71 
 00:48:32 up 7 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.01 
[3] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node75 
 00:48:32 up 0 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.53, 0.17, 0.06 
[4] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node73 
 00:48:32 up 6 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.01 
[5] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node77 
 00:48:32 up 4 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.08, 0.03 
[6] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node72 
 00:48:32 up 7 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00 
[7] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node79 
 00:48:32 up 3 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.14, 0.07 
[8] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node74 
 00:48:32 up 6 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.04, 0.02 
[9] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node80 
 00:48:32 up 3 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.07, 0.03 
[10] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node76 
 00:48:32 up 5 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.11, 0.07 
[11] 00:48:33 [SUCCESS] node78 
 00:48:32 up 4 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.14, 0.08 

# Example installation of a package 
sudo pssh -i -h hosts.txt apt-get -y -qq -s install ethtool 
[1] 00:53:15 [SUCCESS] node81 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[2] 00:53:20 [SUCCESS] node71 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[3] 00:53:22 [SUCCESS] node72 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[4] 00:53:22 [SUCCESS] node75 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[5] 00:53:22 [SUCCESS] node76 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[6] 00:53:22 [SUCCESS] node74 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[7] 00:53:22 [SUCCESS] node73 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[8] 00:53:22 [SUCCESS] node80 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[9] 00:53:22 [SUCCESS] node78 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[10] 00:53:22 [SUCCESS] node79 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
[11] 00:53:22 [SUCCESS] node77 
Inst ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty) 
Conf ethtool (6+20080227-1 Ubuntu:8.10/jaunty)

Node Maintenance

Node Replacement

If you experience a hardware failure on a node, the configuration files pertaining to that node will need to be updated with the MAC of the replacement node. We can manually update the configuration files, or we can have the head node update the files for us.

The following script will parse the configuration files and update the failed node MAC with that of the replacement node:

# /opt/cluster/replaceNode: A script to replace a node in case of failure. 
# will prompt for node name to replace and the MAC of the new node 
# Version 0.1 
# Author: geekshlby


if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf ]; then 
  source $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf 
  printf "Unable to locate the global configuration file.\n" 
  printf "This script looks for configuration files in:\n" 
  printf "$CONFIG_DIR\n" 
  exit 192 
printf "Enter name of node to replace:\n" 
read -p "(e.g. node71): " NODE_TO_REPLACE 
printf "Enter MAC address of new system:\n" 
read -p "(e.g. 00:aa:01:bb:02:cc): " REPLACEMENT_NODE_MAC 

# Convert the MAC address to lower case in case CAPS lock was on 
NEW_MAC=$(printf $REPLACEMENT_NODE_MAC | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') 

if [ ! -z $LINE ]; then 
  NODE_NAME=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f1) 
  BOOT_METHOD=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f4) 
  MAC_ADDRESS=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f5) 
  IP_ADDRESS=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f6) 
  case $BOOT_METHOD in 
      # Update the node list to reflect the new MAC 
      # Update DHCP to reflect the new MAC 
      # UPDATE PXELINUX to reflect the new MAC 
      mv $TFTP_ROOT/pxelinux.cfg/$(printf 01-$MAC_ADDRESS | tr : -) $TFTP_ROOT/pxelinux.cfg/$(printf 01-$NEW_MAC | tr : - ) 
      # Update the node NFSROOT udev configuration to reflect the new MAC 
      printf "$NODE_NAME MAC changed from $MAC_ADDRESS to $NEW_MAC\n" 
      # Changes made.  Restart DHCP server 
      /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart 
      # Update the node list to reflect the new MAC 
      # Update DHCP to reflect the new MAC 
      # UPDATE PXELINUX to reflect the new MAC 
      mv $TFTP_ROOT/pxelinux.cfg/$(printf 01-$MAC_ADDRESS | tr : -) $TFTP_ROOT/pxelinux.cfg/$(printf 01-$NEW_MAC | tr : - ) 
      # Update the node NFSROOT udev configuration to reflect the new MAC 
      sed -i s/$MAC_ADDRESS/$NEW_MAC/ $NFS_ROOT_EXPORT/$NODE_NAME/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules 
      printf "$NODE_NAME MAC changed from $MAC_ADDRESS to $NEW_MAC\n" 
      # Changes made.  Restart DHCP server 
      /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart 
        printf "The node name you entered is invalid\n" 
        exit 192 

exit 0

Power on with wake-on-LAN

You may find it convenient to power on your nodes using wake-on-LAN. Wake-On-LAN requires the MAC of the node you wish to power on to be known.

The nodes.txt file containts the known MACs of installed nodes.

Using Wake-on-LAN, we should be able to:

  • Turn on a single node by name
  • Turn on multiple nodes by name
  • Turn on all nodes

The following script will parse nodes.txt and send a wake-On-LAN packed to the nodes you specify:

# /opt/cluster/nodeOn: A scipt to power on nodes 
# Version 0.1 
# Author: geekshlby


if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf ]; then 
  source $CONFIG_DIR/global.conf 
  printf "Unable to locate the global configuration file.\n" 
  printf "This script looks for configuration files in:\n" 
  printf "$CONFIG_DIR\n" 
  exit 192 

if [ ! $(whoami) = "root" ]; then 
  printf "This script must run with root access.\n" 
  exit 192 

helpMe () 
        printf "usage: $0 [NODE] \n" 
        printf "[NODE]\n" 
        printf "\tall\tpower on all nodes\n" 
        printf "\tnode#\tpower on a single node\n" 
        printf "\t\tMultiple nodes names should be separated by white space.\n" 
        printf "\t\t\te.g. node_on.sh node1 node2\n" 

if [ -z $1 ]; then 
  exit 0 

case $1 in 
                while read LINE; do 
                        NODE_NAME=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f1) 
                        MAC_ADDRESS=$(printf $LINE | cut -d, -f5) 
                        printf "Sending Wake-On-LAN packet to $NODE_NAME at $MAC_ADDRESS\n" 
                        # Send more than one WOL packet to the node 
                        I=0; until [ $I -gt 5 ]; do 
                                wakeonlan $MAC_ADDRESS >/dev/null 
                                ((I++)); done 
                done < $MASTER_NODE_LIST 
                until [ -z $1 ]; do 
                        MAC_ADDRESS=$(grep -w $NODE_NAME $MASTER_NODE_LIST | cut -d, -f5) 
                        if [ ! -z $MAC_ADDRESS ]; then 
                                printf "Sending Wake-On-LAN packet to $NODE_NAME at $MAC_ADDRESS\n" 
                                # Send more than one WOL packet to the node 
                                I=0; until [ $I -gt 5 ]; do 
                                wakeonlan $MAC_ADDRESS >/dev/null 
                                ((I++)); done 
                                printf "$NODE_NAME does not have a MAC listed in nodes.txt\n" 

exit 0   

To turn on node1.home.local:

sh /opt/cluster/nodeOn node1

To turn on multiple nodes:

sh /opt/cluster/nodeOn node1 node23 node43

To turn on all nodes:

sh /opt/cluster/nodeOn all


This article has descirbed a method to deploy Ubuntu onto both disk-full and disk-less nodes in an automated manner. It is not intended to be the one-for-everyone solution. The possibilities for improvement are endless, and I hope this article has spawned an “oh I can do that” attitude within its readers.

My own improvement ideas are:

  • Use a database backend
  • Use a multiple headnode model
  • Daemonize some of the processes
    • getMacs
    • makeNodes

An addition to the above method to deploy Ubuntu, could be a method to monitor the status of the nodes. This can be done with bash of course. Since part of creating the head node was installing the LAMP stack, the following PHP code will parse the master node list and determine if the nodes are online. This too can be improved by using SNMP to communicate status information.

Currently, the following ping.php simply pings the nodes to determine if they are online, and displays a web page with their status:

<html><head><title>System Status</title></head> 
function ping($host) { 
    exec(sprintf('ping -c 1 -w1 -W1 %s', escapeshellarg($host)), $res, $rval); 
    return $rval === 0; 

$green = "/images/status/green.png"; 
$red = "/images/status/red.png"; 
$counter = 1; 
$hostfile = "status.conf"; 
$nodefile = "/opt/cluster/config/nodes.txt"; 

$nodefile_handle = fopen($nodefile, "r"); 
$counter = 1; 
echo "Nodes:<br>"; 
echo "<table border=0 width=80%>"; 
echo "<tbody>"; 
echo "<tr>"; 
while (!feof($nodefile_handle)) { 
        $line_of_text = fgets($nodefile_handle); 
        if (!feof($nodefile_handle)): 
                $nodeinfo = explode(',', $line_of_text); 
                $up = ping($nodeinfo[0]); 
                if ($counter > 2): 
                        echo "<tr>"; 
                if ($up == 1): 
                        echo "<td><img border=0 height=49 width=58 alt=Up title=Up src=$green></td><td>$nodeinfo[0] <br> $nodeinfo[1]</td>"; 
                        $counter = $counter + 1; 
                        echo "<td><img border=0 height=49 width=58 alt=Down title=Down  src=$red></td><td>$nodeinfo[0].home.local<br>Arch:$nodeinfo[1] Release:$nodeinfo[2]<br>Boot method:$nodeinfo[3]<br>MAC address:$nodeinfo[4]<br>IP address:$nodeinfo[5]</td>"; 
                        $counter = $counter + 1; 
                if ($counter > 2): 
                        echo "</tr>"; 
                        $counter = 1; 
echo "</tbody>"; 
echo "</table>"; 

The output of the above page will list nodes in 2 columns.


Arch:amd64 Release:intrepid
Boot method:local
MAC address:08:00:27:0c:09:27
IP address:


Arch:amd64 Release:intrepid
Boot method:nfs
MAC address:08:00:27:3f:4e:2c
IP address:

AutomatedNodeDeployment (last edited 2017-09-03 16:43:02 by ckimes)