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This howto is intended to be a more detailed extension BackupPC howto. This howto will be focused on setting up a "BackupPC server" and windows clients based on the "smb" protcol
Install BackupPC on your ubuntu linux server/desktop
sudo apt-get install backuppc
You willl be asked a few questions:
Workgroup/Domain Name: Modify smb.conf to use WINS settings from DHCP? <-- No
you could answer WORKGROUP (in fact, it doesn't matter what you enter here)
Then you will see this message:
Web administration default user created BackupPC can be managed through its web interface: For that purpose, a web user named 'backuppc' with 'dAamcQIH' as password has been created. You can change this password by running 'htpasswd /etc/backuppc/htpasswd backuppc'.
Hit enter
Change Password
Please make a note of the web frontend password (dAamcQIH in this case) for the user backuppc. If you don't like the password, you can change it by running
htpasswd /etc/backuppc/htpasswd backuppc
It's assumed that your network has been set up pluged in correctly. To check and find hosts run the following
smbtree -b -N
Don't enter a password, hit enter
WORKGROUP \\BACKUP backup server (Samba, Ubuntu) \\BACKUP\IPC$ IPC Service (backup server (Samba, Ubuntu)) \\BACKUP\print$ Printer Drivers \\AMD6000 cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine AMD6000. Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
Your network will differ, BACKUP is the name of our BackupPC server, AMD6000 is the name of our Windows Vista PC we want to back up.
It is advisiable to keep your clients (Hosts) on the same Domain. In this example it is "WORKGROUP"
If you can't browse your network at this stage your should correct the error before continuing
Web Connection
Server Setup
At this stage you should be able to connect to you BackupPC server via your web browser.
Then open a browser and type in (or if you have a proper DNS record for in your network). If you get a login prompt, everything is fine, if not (like on my installation), run this command:
dpkg-reconfigure backuppc
You will see this question:
Add aliases for /backuppc/ to your apache config files ? <-- Yes
Afterwards, go to again and log in with the username backuppc and backuppc's password: attachment:login.jpg
Home Page
This should take you to the BackupPC home page
Add Host
The first thing you need to do is add "Hosts"
- Click "add" host
- Enter Host Name
- Tick DHCP only if required (In most cases it not required. See "BackupPC howto" for details)
- Entering a name here is optional (only required for advanced features)
Setup Host
We now need to setup the "Host" config files attachment:HostSetup.jpg Edit Config attachment:EditConfig.jpg
- Click "Xfer"
- Select "smb"
- Windows host (client) share name
- Windows host (client) "username"
- Windows host (client) "password"
The default setting are set up in the "Main Configuration Editor"
Edit Config -->> Xfer
If any of the setting are changed from the default make sure the "Override" box is ticked
Host Setup
Windows Vista Security Policy
Check sharing is enabled
The windows machine(Host) may need setting up. smbtree and smbclient are exellent tools for checking the host configuration from your backupPC server.
Browse Network
Use the following command:
smbtree -b -U user_name%password
Change username and password to your own
WORKGROUP \\BACKUP \\BACKUP\IPC$ IPC Service (backup server (Samba, Ubuntu)) \\BACKUP\print$ Printer Drivers \\AMD6000 \\AMD6000\Public \\AMD6000\print$ Printer Drivers \\AMD6000\IPC$ Remote IPC \\AMD6000\F$ Default share \\AMD6000\F \\AMD6000\D$ Default share \\AMD6000\C$ Default share \\AMD6000\Brother HL-5040 Brother HL-5040 \\AMD6000\ADMIN$ Remote Admin
Host information
Use the following command:
smbclient //amd6000/f -U user_name%password
Change username and password to your own
Domain=[AMD6000] OS=[Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate 6001 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate 6.0] smb: \>
Enter "q" to quit