Boot-Repair is a small graphical tool to restore access to Ubuntu and other OS (Windows..).
- One "Recommended repair" button to repair most frequent boot problems. (generally reinstalls Grub2)
Another button to create a Boot-Info-Script summary in 1 click
Options to reinstall Grub2 easily (OS by default, purge, unhide, kernel options..), and other advanced options (MBR restore, filesystem repair...).
Boot-Repair is a free software, licensed under GNU-GPL. Boot-Repair is not officially supported by Canonical, use it at your own risks.
Getting Boot-Repair
1st option : get a CD including Boot-Repair
The easiest way to use Boot-Repair is to burn one of the following disks and boot on it.
Boot-Repair-Disk is a CD starting Boot-Repair automatically. (English only, 32&64bits compatible).
Boot-Repair is also included in Ubuntu-Secured-Remix (multi-languages)
Remark : you can also install the ISO on a live-USB (eg via UnetBootin, LiliUSB or MultiSystem).
2nd option : install Boot-Repair in Ubuntu
Remark: this can also be performed from a live-CD or live-USB.
Either add ‘ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair’ to your Software Sources via the Software Centre or, for speeds-sake, add it using a new Terminal session:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair
Boot-Repair can be installed & used from any Ubuntu session (normal session, or live-CD, or live-USB). PPA packages are available for Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, 11.10 and 12.04.
Using Boot-Repair
Recommended repair
- launch Boot-Repair from either :
- the dash (Unity)
System->Administration->Boot-Repair menu (Gnome)
- by typing 'boot-repair' in a terminal
- Then try "Recommended repair" button. When repair is finished, reboot and check if you recovered access to your OSs.
If the repair did not succeed, copy-paste the URL that appeared in order to get help by email or forum.
Advanced options
External Links
Topic "Boot-repair: Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !" - on Ubuntu forum, for any questions/comments.