Diff for "DialupModemHowto/Setserial"

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Revision 2 as of 2008-04-07 06:07:38
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Revision 3 as of 2008-04-07 06:15:03
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== Options ==
seserial with -g option help to find out what physical serial ports your Linux box has.

== Programs ==
Once serial ports identified you can configure Linux box using various utilities:

 * ["wvdial"] or other GUI dial up networking program - a PPP dialer with built-in intelligence, installed in Ubuntu.
 * ["minicom"] -the best friendly serial communication program for controlling modems and connecting to dump devices.
 * getty / agetty - agetty opens a tty port, prompts for a login name and invokes the /bin/login command.
 * ["grub"] configuration - To configure serial port as the system console.

Setserial sets and/or reports the configuration information associated with a serial port. This information includes what I/O port and which IRQ a particular serial port is using.

This version has a completely new approach to configuration, so if you have a setup other than the standard ttyS0 and 1, you will have to get your hands dirty.

By default, only ttyS0-ttyS3 (COM1-4 in DOS/Windows terminology) are configured by the kernel, using IRQ 3 and 4. If you have other serial ports (such as an AST Fourport card), or if you have mapped the IRQs differently (perhaps COM3 and 4 to other IRQs to allow concurrent access with COM1 and 2) then you must have this package.


seserial with -g option help to find out what physical serial ports your Linux box has.


Once serial ports identified you can configure Linux box using various utilities:

  • ["wvdial"] or other GUI dial up networking program - a PPP dialer with built-in intelligence, installed in Ubuntu.
  • ["minicom"] -the best friendly serial communication program for controlling modems and connecting to dump devices.
  • getty / agetty - agetty opens a tty port, prompts for a login name and invokes the /bin/login command.
  • ["grub"] configuration - To configure serial port as the system console.

CategoryNetworking CategoryHardware

DialupModemHowto/Setserial (last edited 2008-06-27 10:15:14 by localhost)