The goals of this page are...
to be a comprehensive list of DocBook-aware editor programs
- to distinguish which programs are included in Ubuntu
- to present this information in a consistent format
program (+ plugin1 / plugin2 ...)
- repository: main / universe
- environment: Gnome / KDE / Java / command-line / ?
- homepage: project homepage
- install: apt-get install ...
- community: program community resources link
- comments: comment 1
- comment 2
These programs are available from the Ubuntu package repositories.
vim + xmledit
- repository: main
- environment: command-line
homepage: http://www.vim.org/
- install: apt-get install vim
community: http://www.vim.org/community.php
- comments: good option if you like vim / vi
- repository: main
- environment: KDE
homepage: http://kate.kde.org/
- install: apt-get install kate
community: http://kate.kde.org/contact.php
- comments: installed by default with Kubuntu
- great option for kate, use it for all my editing
- repository: universe
- environment: Gnome
- install: apt-get install mlview
community: http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/mlview-list
- comments: looks promising, haven't thoroughly tested it yet
These programs are not available in the Ubuntu package repositories. Some packages may not be included due to licensing restrictions. Perhaps you would like to volunteer to package one of these programs for Ubuntu? There is certainly nothing wrong with using these programs, but you may need to turn to their own user community if you need assistance.
jEdit + XML / XmlIndenter / XQuery / XSLT / JTidyPlugin
- environment: Java
homepage: http://www.jedit.org/
community: http://community.jedit.org/
- comments: nice if you use both Linux and Windows
Related Pages
To Do List
Programs to add
- SciTE
- conglomerate
- bluefish
- abiword
- ooo
- emacs + nxml
- lyx
- quanta
- butterfly
- exchanger lite
- geany
valid DocBook test document for testing editors