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This reference is incomplete. Just use it to find out how to enter certain contents into your document. See http://www.docbook.org/tdg/en/html/ for the real fun. Smile :)

For an introduction on how to write DocBook/XML documents please see the DocBook Wiki entry.

General article layout

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" "http://docbook.org/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd">
   <title>The Magic of Dragons</title>

       <honorific>Dr. H.C</honorific>

       <holder>The Ubuntu Dragons Subproject</holder>


         This document deals with the magic of dragons.



      <title>History of Magic</title>
        In the middle ages there were two kinds of magic:

          Bad magic: mostly used by evil wizards
          Good magic: mostly used by good wizards

        A picture of the flow of mana:
              <imagedata fileref="bigpicture.png" format="PNG"/>

       <title>Evil magic</title>
         In this subsection you will learn about evil magic.
         Be very careful. Evil magic is hard to handle!

Sections that can be used in the <articleinfo>

Please see http://www.docbook.org/tdg/en/html/articleinfo.html

Including images

       <imagedata fileref="bigpicture.png" format="PNG"/>

Terminal input/output

 user = service
 password = DomAKg07


     Bad magic: mostly used by evil wizards
     Good magic: mostly used by good wizards


If you need to refer to a section in your document place an anchor like this:

 <sect1 id="install_packages" xreflabel="installing the needed packages">

Later you can refer to that section using:

 See <xref linkend="install_packages"/> for more information.

Which will render to:

'See 'installing the needed packages' for more information.'


 <informaltable frame="none">
   <tgroup cols="2">
           $mydomain = 'yourdomain.org';
           Configure this string to your default domain.
           @bypass_virus_checks_acl = qw( . );
           If this line is commented out virus checks are enabled.

Notes / Warnings


Use them like:

      Dragons may have a bad breath even resulting in bursts of fire.

 <ulink url="http://workaround.org>workaround.org</ulink>

'Christoph Haas'


DocBookReference (last edited 2009-04-05 17:34:32 by c-69-253-233-196)