Expocity is an effort to integrate an efficient means of switching between applications into the window manager metacity, similar to Exposé(tm) on Apple's OS-X.1
Be sure to have all dependencies installed. Some of them are:
apt-get install build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libgconf2-dev
Download the latest version from the Expocity Homepage.
Extract the source.
tar xvfj expocity-2.6.2-1.tar.bz2
Configure and compile it:
./configure make
install it
sudo make install
or to install it via a deb file (CheckInstall)
sudo checkinstall
Start it:
metacity --replace
Installing Gnome 2.0 libraries and related shared libraries might help if the ./configure script complain about gconf2.0 :
sudo apt-get install libgnomeui*
A Chinese Translation of this article.
Watch this QuickTime movie to understand it quickly: http://www.apple.com/macosx/theater/expose.html (1)