Diff for "JapaneseInAdobeReaderHowto"

Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2006-07-26 18:55:55
Size: 1115
Editor: ZD070137
Revision 2 as of 2008-05-15 08:12:54
Size: 2009
Editor: yangmei
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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This guide explains how to install support for Japanese fonts in Adobe Reader 7.0 under Ubuntu 6.06. This guide explains how to install support for Japanese fonts in [#Acro7.0 Adobe Reader 7.0 under Ubuntu 6.06.] And [#Acro8.1 Adobe Reader 8.1 in Ubuntu 7.10]
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= Installation = [[Anchor(Acro7.0)]]
= Adobe Reader 7.0 under Ubuntu 6.06. =

== Installation ==
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= Notes = == Notes ==
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This howto is based on a now inaccessible [http://lists.suse.de/archive/m17n/2005-Aug/0027.html August 2005 guide for Suse distros]. This above section is based on a now inaccessible [http://lists.suse.de/archive/m17n/2005-Aug/0027.html August 2005 guide for Suse distros].

= Adobe Reader 8.1 in Ubuntu 7.10 =

1. Download the required fonts pack from [http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html Adobe]
   ''For this howto it will be assumed you are after the Japanese FontPack81_jpn_i486-linux.tar.gz but other languages should work exactly the same''

2. Unpack it to a temporary directory using your favourite gui tool or
cd temporary-directory
tar -zxvf FontPack81_jpn_i486-linux.tar.gz}}}

3. Run the installation script
sudo ./install}}}

* You will be asked if Acrobat 8.1 is installed '''Which it must be or you should have downloaded a different language pack'''
* You will be asked to accept the licence agreement
* You will then be asked to


This guide explains how to install support for Japanese fonts in [#Acro7.0 Adobe Reader 7.0 under Ubuntu 6.06.] And [#Acro8.1 Adobe Reader 8.1 in Ubuntu 7.10]


Adobe Reader 7.0 under Ubuntu 6.06.


Before you start, make sure you have [:AcrobatHowTo:installed Adobe Reader 7.0].

1. Download two jpnfont packages from the Adobe site

mkdir /tmp/{4,5}
cd /tmp/5
wget ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobatreader/unix/5.x/jpnfont.tar.gz
cd /tmp/4
wget ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobatreader/unix/4.x/jpnfont.tar.gz 

2. Unpack and install

cd /tmp/5
tar xzf jpnfont.tar.gz
cd /usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Resource/CMap
tar xf /tmp/5/JPNKIT/LANGCOM.TAR
cd /usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Resource/Font
tar xf /tmp/5/JPNKIT/LANGJPN.TAR 
cd /tmp/4
tar zxf jpnfont.tar.gz
cd /usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Resource/Font
tar xf /tmp/4/JPNKIT/LANGJPN.TAR 

3. Try it!

Fire up your Adobe Reader - support for Japanese fonts should work now.


This above section is based on a now inaccessible [http://lists.suse.de/archive/m17n/2005-Aug/0027.html August 2005 guide for Suse distros].


Adobe Reader 8.1 in Ubuntu 7.10

1. Download the required fonts pack from [http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html Adobe]

  • For this howto it will be assumed you are after the Japanese FontPack81_jpn_i486-linux.tar.gz but other languages should work exactly the same

2. Unpack it to a temporary directory using your favourite gui tool or

cd temporary-directory
tar -zxvf FontPack81_jpn_i486-linux.tar.gz

3. Run the installation script

sudo ./install

* You will be asked if Acrobat 8.1 is installed Which it must be or you should have downloaded a different language pack * You will be asked to accept the licence agreement * You will then be asked to

CategoryDocumentation CategoryDocumentation

JapaneseInAdobeReaderHowto (last edited 2017-09-13 01:25:25 by ckimes)