Revision 2 as of 2005-07-31 20:51:10

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Jigdo can be used to speed up the repeated downloading of daily CD images of Hoary, the development branch of Ubuntu. To do this, first insert a previously downloaded CD (if you haven't already downloaded a Hoary image, then either use Warty or just leave this step out). Type the following:

  apt-get install jigit
  echo 'HOST=' > ~/.jigit.conf
  jigit hoary-install-i386

(Substitute whichever architecture you want for i386.)

jigit will ask you if you have any previous CD images available. If you do, type the location where you've mounted it (inserted CDs will be /cdrom by default). If not, leave this blank.

jigit will now go off and download any new files it needs that weren't in the previous CD image, and construct a new CD image for you to burn.

  At this moment the files are broken and jigit could not work. Try with jigdo-lite.
  Run synaptic, search jigdo, install jigdo-file. It can be found at the universe repository. 
  Then run jigdo-lite and put the following URL as answer of the of first question: 

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