This is a work-in-progress initially taken from the 1and1 guide with kind permission of their Customer Services. Over time the article hopes to become more neutral and have other similar articles to help people with other web-hosting services.
How do I manually install Joomla! via FTP?
For Linux packages only!Linux Packages Only!
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This article will describe how to install Joomla! 1.7.1 via FTP. If you do not know how to use FTP or need a refresher check out the articles here .
Step 1:
Joomla! requires a MySQL database. If you have not set up a MySQL database already for the Joomla! install, do so first by referencing - How do I create a new MySQL database? .
Step 2:
Download and save the latest Full Package version of Joomla! from the Joomla! download page to your computer. It is suggested to save this file to your Desktop so it can be easily found.
Step 3:
Double-click the ZIP file downloaded to open the ZIP file.
Click the Extract All Files button.
Select a destination where the files will be stored after unzipping. If you saved the file to your Desktop, the default destination will be a new folder on your Desktop which is ideal. Click the Extract button.
It may take a few minutes to extract all the files.
Step 4:
You should see that a new Joomla folder exists now that you have uncompressed the ZIP file. It is best to rename the folder similar to the website that will be using Wordpress. Right-click the folder and then choose Rename.
In this example, we rename the folder to 1and1help.
Step 5:
Upload the folder to the root of your web-space via FTP.
For more information of how to upload files via FTP, please reference our FTP FAQ pages.
Step 6:
Now that the folder has been uploaded, you will have to ensure that the domain points to this folder. You must log into the 1&1 Control Panel and change the destination folder for the domain to the folder you just uploaded. To edit destination, please reference How do I set up or change a destination for the domain?
Please note: it may take ~15 minutes until the domain will point at the correct folder after making changes.
Step 7:
Open a browser and access your domain. In this example, the domain is
When the domain points to the correct folder, you should see the Joomla! installation page. If you receive a message that you need PHP5 to run Joomla!:
- Click the Start Menu and click Run.
- Type notepad and press ENTER
Write AddType x-mapp-php5 .php in the text file and save it as htaccess.txt
- Upload the file to the folder that holds your Joomla! files
- Using your FTP program, rename the file to .htaccess. You must include the period before the file-name.
- Reload the web-page.
Select your language and then click the Next button.
Step 8:
Joomla! will perform a Pre-Installation Check to make sure that requirements are met and display whether the recommended settings are already in place. Display Errors may be Enabled which is not the recommended setting but it is best to keep this enabled for now. This will display any PHP errors, which may help you resolve any complications during the install and initial setup of your Joomla! site.
Click the Next button.
Step 9:
You will need to accept the GNU General Public License for Joomla! in order to install it. Click the Next button if you agree with the terms.
Step 10:
Now you will need to fill out the MySQL database information so that Joomla! knows which database to store the site data in. Please reference How do I create a new MySQL database? to create a new database or to find out where the database info is kept in the 1&1 Control Panel.
Fill out the database info. The Table Prefix is used to differentiate one Joomla! install from another in cases where you are using one database for multiple Joomla! sites (which is not recommended). You can leave the auto-generated Table Prefix or write in your own. Click the Next button when you have finished entering the database details.
Step 11:
Skip the FTP Configuration for the time being by clicking the Next button.
Step 12:
Enter a Site Name, supply your e-mail address and create a username and password.
If this is your first time using Joomla! you may want to click the Install Sample Data button so that after Joomla! installs you can view a sample site.
Click the Next button when you are finished.
Step 13:
After Joomla! installs, click the Remove installation folder
Step 14:
If the installation folder could not be removed, you can simply delete the installation folder via FTP.
You are now finished and can view the Joomla! site or log in to the Admin section.
Note: 1&1 Technical Support is not able to troubleshoot or install any third-party software such as Joomla! This article is to be used as a reference only. For additional help regarding Joomla!, it is suggested to use the Joomla! Forum.