Diff for "KeyTouch"

Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2006-09-01 21:48:55
Size: 1431
Editor: 0x5552c254
Revision 2 as of 2006-09-01 21:49:25
Size: 1433
Editor: 0x5552c254
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KeyTouch - The easy way to enable multimedia-keys!

I've tried alot of different things to get multimedia-keys working on different systems.

I my opinion, KeyTouch is superb at this field!

This guide will explain the 2 basic KeyTouch tools.

* KeyTouch - The tool to setup a keyboard that is in the database.

* KeyTouch-Editor - The tool to setup a keyboard that is NOT in the database

I you would like to try, please follow the rest of the guide!

Open a terminal

Downloading the installation-files

Run these commands:

wget http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/keytouch/keytouch-editor_2.9.99+3.0.0beta4-0ubuntu1_i386.deb

wget http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/keytouch/keytouch_2.2.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb

Installing the applications

Run these commands:

sudo apt-get install libgnome-menu2

sudo dpkg -i keytouch*

Using KeyTouch

You can find KeyTouch somewhere in the system-menu.

A guide will come later! - Just don't have the time right now! (And it should be pretty simple!)

Using KeyTouch-Editor

You can find KeyTouch-Editor somewhere in the system-menu.

A guide will come later! - Just don't have the time right now! (And it should be pretty simple!)

Getting help anyway

If you have any problems, drop me a line:


KeyTouch (last edited 2017-09-08 18:32:29 by ckimes)