This article presents a method for installing multiple (more than 2) operating systems on a single hard drive and creating a boot menu for selecting which operating system to boot. This method relies on a primary bootloader menu, stored in its own boot partition, which is used to "chainload" individual bootloaders which are unique to each independent operating system.

Chainload is similar to how it sounds. The master bootloader--most often GRUB installed on the MBR--presents a menu to the user. In this menu, there are options to boot each OS from its respective partition. Using chainloading, GRUB doesn't need to know exactly how to load each OS, it simply hands off control to the actual bootloader of the selected OS, in a chain-like fashion.

These instructions are for installing more than two OS's on your hard drive. If you only need two operating systems (such as a Windows installation and a (K)ubuntu Linux installation), it is easiest to just use the (K)ubuntu installer to do it for you (see WindowsDualBoot, for example).


This tutorial requires GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) version 1 (GRUB Legacy) to be used as the master bootloader.

As of version 9.10 (Karmic), the Kubuntu Desktop edition LiveCD installer uses Grub2 (which is harder to customize) and does not allow the specific steps needed in this tutorial. DO NOT USE the Karmic Koala Desktop edition LiveCD for installation if:

The Ubuntu/Kubuntu Desktop edition LiveCD installer by default overwrites your Master Boot Record so that it points to its own partition (instead of to the boot partition) and you will subsequently be forced to re-create the Master Boot Record so it once again points back to the boot partition. (This is a serious flaw in Karmic Koala's Desktop edition LiveCD installer.) Instead, I strongly recommend using the Ubuntu Server edition LiveCD installer (and then later adding the ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop).


The method here involves creating a small (approximately 100 Mb) boot partition in which to store the GRUB files. These files will be copied from the GRUB files that are created during the first Ubuntu Linux OS installation. The initial main GRUB menu will be kept in this small boot partition and will be edited so that GRUB will then chainload the bootloader files for whichever Windows, (K)ubuntu, or other Linux operating systems is chosen from the menu.

Each operating system then can keep the bootloader that is peculiar to it within its own partition. If the kernel, filesystem, or bootloader for one OS changes, it does not affect the ability of any other operating system to start, nor will it affect the primary GRUB bootup menu (which is stored and protected within its own boot partition).

This avoids the otherwise common problem that whenever a new OS (or distribution) is installed (including Ubuntu), it stores a GRUB configuration menu within its own partition and takes over the functions of the bootloader for every other OS. If there are multiple operating systems, it becomes difficult to remember which operating system's bootloader is the currently active one (that the Master Boot Record points to). With the chainloading method, you don't have to worry about that, anymore. You can upgrade or replace any OS and not worry about disturbing the ability of any other OS to load.

Here is some more info about this method:

Using GRUB Legacy for the boot partition

This method uses GRUB Legacy for the boot partition (because it is easier to customize). Starting with Karmic Koala 9.10, Ubuntu/Kubuntu uses GRUB2 by default (instead of GRUB Legacy), so only versions of Ubuntu/Kubuntu 9.04 or earlier can be used for installing GRUB Legacy to the boot partition.

The easiest way is to use an Ubuntu Server edition 9.04 LiveCD (which uses GRUB Legacy) to install the first instance of Ubuntu Linux. Use the minimal install (i.e. don't install any extra packages), in the interest of speed. Proceed with the installation instructions that install GRUB to the Master Boot Record, as well as installing a copy of GRUB Legacy to the local partition. Then copy the GRUB legacy settings to the boot partition as described. Edit the GRUB Legacy menu settings stored in the boot partition so that chainloading to each planned partition is enabled.

After this is finished, re-install your new version of Ubuntu/Kubuntu to the same partition (overwriting the 9.04 version in the process). However, this time do not allow the new installation process to overwrite the Master Boot Record. We want the Master Boot Record always to use GRUB Legacy, not GRUB2. Install GRUB2 (this time) to the local partition only.

Now the Master Boot Record will use GRUB Legacy (stored in the boot partition) merely as a chainloader to each subsequent partition, where that chosen partition's particular bootloader will then be run directly from the partition (no matter if it is a Windows bootloader, an Ubuntu bootloader, or a Mac bootloader).

Partition design

Note: If you are re-arranging (re-partitioning and re-formatting) your hard drive after already having a GRUB bootloader installed, you might not be able to boot into Windows (or anything else) until you re-install as part of a Linux OS re-installation. Panic not. Just proceed in a calm and orderly fashion.

Windows partitions

It is easiest if your Windows partition is the first one installed. This is because Windows installations are unpredictable -- sometimes your entire hard drive will be overwritten (causing you to lose any data stored there). Also, the Windows bootloader only looks in the first partition for a Windows installation.

If you have a brand new computer with no OS yet installed, the entire process is much easier. Create your partitions (using GParted) first, before installing Windows. Make the first partition NTFS (or the less secure FAT32, if you wish), intending it for the Windows installation. Then divide the remainder of the hard drive (using GParted) using the partitioning scheme noted above.

Generally, a retail "boxed" version of Windows (instead of an OEM or "backup" copy) installs quite happily to the first pre-configured, pre-sized partition. Go ahead and install it there, then skip on ahead to installing the Linux OSs.

However, some OEM and "backup" copies of Windows often have installation peculiarities (including pre-configured spamware, spyware, and specific hardware configurations) that will want to use the entire hard drive. Oh well, if you must, you must.

After doing so, you will then have to shrink the partition down to approximately 20-30 Gb (or your desired size).

Changing Windows partition sizes

Reinstalling Vista or Windows 7 on a new partition

A popular way to regain a significant amount of your hard drive with Vista/Windows 7 is to first re-format and re-partition the hard drive, then re-install Vista/Windows 7 second. When this works, you can reinstall Vista/Windows 7 in as little as 30 Gb.

For a re-installation, you will either need a retail version of Windows, or a "Recovery" disk provided by your OEM (computer) manufacturer that allows Windows re-installation to any size partition.

(Note: Not all Recovery disks will allow Windows re-installation to a newly re-sized partition. Although my eMachines, Dell, and Toshiba Recovery disks allowed it, my HP Recovery Disks did not. The HP Recovery disk, for example, erased the entire hard drive and recreated a single Windows partition. Any other partitions (and the data on them) were destroyed in the process. I therefore do not recommend using HP Recovery disks for this method. For HP computers, use the shrink volume method outlined above, instead).

For example, my eMachines box gave me the option of creating (burning) a pair of Recovery DVDs using eMachines -> eMachines Recovery Management. If your OEM manufacturer gives you a similar option of burning Recovery disks (instead of supplying Recovery CD/DVDs with your computer), make sure you burn these disks before reformatting/repartitioning your hard drive.

My OEM manufacturer (eMachines) had pre-installed both a primary partition and a recovery partition when I initially bought the computer. It is not necessary, however, to re-create these both of these partitions in order to re-install Vista from the Recovery disks; one partition for the re-installation is sufficient. As outlined below in my partitioning scheme, I reserved the first primary partition area (which you can either leave as free space at the beginning of the drive, or can format as an NTSC partition with the boot flag set, using GParted). Because I have a very large hard drive, I left 60 Gb for this first primary partition area that I planned to use as the Windows partition (although 40 Gb is probably more than enough, since my initial Vista re-install took only 22 Gb). The Recovery disks re-installed without problems, no matter which method I used (NTFS formatted partition or free space at the beginning of the drive), and I didn't have to worry about the MFT problem.

Obviously, this method would take an awful lot of work if you have been using your computer a long time. You would have to back up all your files first, and then re-install your add-on programs (again) after re-installing Vista/Windows 7. Then you would have to restore the files you had backed-up. It's much easier to do it with a new computer.

About Windows bootloaders

The Windows bootloaders store information about how big the partitions are. If you change the partition size, Windows checks the new partition size at the very next reboot (using either chkdsk in XP or a new utility in Vista/Windows 7). It then writes the info to its bootloader configuration file. If you start mucking around with other partitions before it has a chance to reset itself, the Windows bootloader will not be able to read the partition table properly (and will refuse to boot entirely).

GRUB boots Windows merely by chainloading the Windows bootloader (which is stored in the Windows partition). If the Windows bootloader doesn't work (i.e. doesn't recognize its own changed partition), then you are sunk.

If you ignore these warnings, I almost guarantee you will fry your Windows partitioning scheme and be unable to boot up Windows.

Install your first Linux OS

--> "Starting up the partitioner" -> Partition Disks: Manual

Note: You should write down which device the / (root) partition is on. You will need this information later for GRUB settings. On mine, it is /dev/sda6.

-> Finish partitioning and write changes to disk -> "Installing the base system" -> ... ->

->"Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?": YES -> Continue

-> Go Back -> Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk -> "Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?": NO -> Device for boot loader installation: /dev/sda6 -> Continue

Copy boot files to the small GRUB partition

 sudo mkdir /media/GRUBpartition
 sudo mount /dev/sda2 -t ext3 /media/GRUBpartition
 sudo mkdir /media/GRUBpartition/boot
 sudo mkdir /media/GRUBpartition/boot/grub

Note: Use whatever the device name of your small GRUB partition is (mine is /dev/sda2)

 sudo chmod 777 /media/GRUBpartition/boot/grub

 sudo cp -r /boot/grub/* /media/GRUBpartition/boot/grub

 sudo nano /media/GRUBpartition/boot/grub/menu.lst

 ## ## End Default Options ##
 title  First Ubuntu Jaunty Server OS (chainloader)
 rootnoverify   (hd0,5)
 chainloader    +1

 title Second Ubuntu Jaunty Server OS (chainloader)
 rootnoverify   (hd0,6)
 chainloader    +1

This assumes your first installed OS has its / (root) directory in /dev/hda6 (as in my example above). GRUB counts the first partition as 0, so hda6 becomes (hd0,5), or hard drive 1 (it starts counting at zero), partition 6). If you want to chainload a bootloader on a second hard drive, partition 4 (/dev/hdb4), you would specify (hd1,3), instead, for example.

(I also put it an entry for my second planned OS, even though I haven't installed it yet. That will save me time later.)

 sudo chmod 744 /media/GRUBpartition/boot/grub
 sudo chmod 744 /media/GRUBpartition/boot/grub/*

Reinstall GRUB to MBR

Now that the files are copied, we need to tell GRUB to look for them there. Do this step from your Linux OS command line terminal.

 sudo grub
 grub> find /boot/grub/stage1

You should see the places there are grub configuration files.


Note that (hd0,1) corresponds to the small GRUB partition (/dev/sda2), according to the counting method outline above. (hd0,5) corresponds to your first Linux OS (in the example /dev/sda6).

 grub> root (hd0,1)
 grub> setup (hd0)
 grub> quit

==Install your second Linux OS== Again I'm going to use (K)ubuntu for the example, although any OS can now be installed.

--> "Starting up the partitioner" -> Partition Disks: Manual

Note: You should write down which device the / (root) partition is on. You will need this information later for GRUB settings. On mine, it is /dev/sda7.

-> Finish partitioning and write changes to disk. (It is OK to format the swap and / (root) partitions.) -> "Installing the base system" -> ... ->

Use whichever device that corresponds to your / (root) directory for this OS, of course. This ensures that the GRUB bootloader is installed to this OS's partition, as well.

Changing main GRUB boot menu settings

 sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst

 sudo nano /etc/default/grub
 sudo update-grub

 sudo mkdir /media/GRUBpartition

 sudo mount /dev/sda2 -t ext3 /media/GRUBpartition

Note: Use whatever the device name of your small GRUB partition is (mine is /dev/sda2)

 sudo chmod 777 /media/GRUBpartition/boot/grub/menu.lst

 sudo nano /media/GRUBpartition/boot/grub/menu.lst

 ## ## End Default Options ##
 title  First Ubuntu Jaunty Server OS (chainloader)
 rootnoverify   (hd0,5)
 chainloader    +1

 title Second Ubuntu Jaunty Server OS (chainloader)
 rootnoverify   (hd0,6)
 chainloader    +1

 title Newest Whizbang OS on second hard drive, partition 4 (chainloader)
 rootnoverify   (hd1, 3)
 chainloader    +1

GRUB starts counting from 0, so the first hard drive is number 0 and the first partition is also number 0. hda6 (which is hard drive 1, partition 6) becomes (hd0,5). If you want to chainload a bootloader on a second hard drive, partition 4 (/dev/hdb4), you would specify (hd1,3).

 sudo chmod 744 /media/GRUBpartition/boot/grub/menu.lst

Add Mac OS X Entry

 title Mac OS X
 root (hd0,8)
 chainloader +1

Re-installing GRUB Legacy after Windows Upgrade

You must use a version of a LiveCD that has GRUB Legacy, i.e. Kubuntu/Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) or earlier. Start the LiveCD and start a command-line terminal (Terminal in Ubuntu or Konsole in Kubuntu). From the command-line terminal start GRUB:

 sudo grub

Then enter the commands to restore the Master Boot Record to point to the boot partition at /dev/sda2:

 > root (hd0,1)
 > setup (hd0)
 > quit

Other resources


MultiOSBoot (last edited 2011-04-10 19:57:46 by 78-105-201-166)