Revision 7 as of 2008-07-24 17:11:13

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Installation and Setup

Installing mythweb is quite easy. One command will install the plugin and all of it's dependencies (ie: apache2):

  • sudo apt-get install mythweb

You can now access mythweb with your browser by entering this address:

You can access mythweb from other computers on your network by using the backend ip address. For example:

Security (This is important)

If you plan to use mythweb over the internet, or if you do not have a hardware firewall on your network, it is imperative that you setup proper security for mythweb. Failure to configure security properly will leave mythweb open to anyone who stumbles on your ip address, including search engines. It is best not to allow these security holes to remain open.

  • First, set up a password file:
    • $ sudo htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/httpd-passwords MYUSER1
  • Once the password files has been created, Do Not Use the "-c" Flag again or you will overwrite the file you just created. If you wish to add additional users run the same command without that flag:

    • $ sudo htpasswd /etc/apache2/httpd-passwords MYUSER2
  • Now that you have create that file, modify the permissions and ownership to protect the password information:
    • $ sudo chown www-data.www-data /etc/apache2/httpd-passwords
      $ sudo chmod 640 /etc/apache2/httpd-passwords
  • To associate the password file with the mythweb directory you need to edit the apache configuration file:
    • $ gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
    • Cut and paste the following code to the file you have just opened, then save and close that file:
      • <Directory "/var/www/mythweb">
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
            AuthType Basic
            AuthName "MythTV"
            AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/httpd-passwords
            require user MYUSER1 MYUSER2 MYUSER3
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
  • Restart apache:
    • $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

You will now be prompted for a username and password when first connecting to mythweb. This should give added protection from unauthorized access to your mythtv system.

Tips and Tricks

  • Access from the Internet
    • Some internet service providers block incoming requests to port 80 for residential connections. This is a security/bandwidth limiting feature that will prevent you from accessing mythweb from the internet. You can get around this by configuring your router to forward a different port number to port 80 on your mythtv machine. A setup as described is different for each router and cannot be outlined in this wiki.