Diff for "Repositories/Personal"

Differences between revisions 14 and 21 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 14 as of 2009-02-28 04:52:53
Size: 3699
Editor: dyn48
Comment: add missing parenthesis
Revision 21 as of 2009-07-23 13:54:00
Size: 3984
Editor: abs-static-150
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 23: Line 23:
apt-get install dpkg-dev sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev
Line 29: Line 29:
mkdir /usr/local/mydebs sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/mydebs
Line 38: Line 38:
It's a simple two liner: It's a simple three liner:
Line 40: Line 40:
#! /bin/bash
cd /usr/local/mydebs
dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
 #! /bin/bash
 cd /usr/local/mydebs
 dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
Line 52: Line 52:
'''dpkg-scanpackages''' looks at all the packages in mydebs, and the output is compressed and written to a file (Packages.gz) that '''apt-get update''' can read (see below for a reference that explains this in excruciating detail). /dev/null is an empty file; it is a substitute for an override file which holds some additional information about the packages, which in this case is not really needed. Again, see the reference at the bottom if you really want to know about it. '''dpkg-scanpackages''' looks at all the packages in mydebs, and the output is compressed and written to a file (Packages.gz) that '''apt-get update''' can read (see below for a reference that explains this in excruciating detail). /dev/null is an empty file; it is a substitute for an override file which holds some additional information about the packages, which in this case is not really needed. See deb-override(5) if you want to know about it.
Line 61: Line 61:
See [[Repositories/Ubuntu]].
=== CD Option ===
You can burn the directory containing the debs to a CD and use that as a repository as well (good for sharing between computers). To use the CD as a repository, simply run
sudo apt-cdrom add
Line 74: Line 77:
= References =

[[http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/index.en.html|Debian New Maintainers Guide]] (this is the exruciating one)
= See Also =
 * AptGetHowto
 * [[http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/index.en.html|Debian New Maintainers Guide]] (this is the excruciating one)
 * [[Repositories/Ubuntu]]
 * [[AptCdrom]]
 * [[AptGet/Offline/Repository]]
Line 79: Line 84:
CategoryDocumentation CategoryOffline CategoryPackageManagement

General information: Repositories in Ubuntu


There are often a few packages that you want to install that don't exist in the Ubuntu repositories. If they have any dependencies on other packages, trying to using dpkg can drop you into "dpkg hell", and having apt resolve those dependencies for you would really help.

There are full blown methods of creating your own local repository, such as Debarchiver or Dak. These are overkill, when all you want is a means of resolving dependencies of the handful of packages you've downloaded from the web (not for an entire repository that you want to use without Internet connection; for this use AptGet/Offline/Repository). A simple solution is to use dpkg-scanpackages, which will build a repository you can add to your sources.list.

Creating a Personal Repository

There are 4 steps to setting up a simple repository for yourself

  1. Install dpkg-dev

  2. Put the packages in a directory
  3. Create a script that will scan the packages and create a file apt-get update can read

  4. Add a line to your sources.list pointing at your repository

Install dpkg-dev

Type in a terminal

sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev

The Directory

Create a directory where you will keep your packages. For this example, we'll use /usr/local/mydebs.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/mydebs

Now move your packages into the directory you've just created.

Previously downloaded Packages are generally stored on your system in the /var/cache/apt/archives directory. If you have installed apt-cacher you will have additional packages stored in its /packages directory.

The Script update-mydebs

It's a simple three liner:

 #! /bin/bash
 cd /usr/local/mydebs
 dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz

Cut and paste the above into gedit, and save it as update-mydebs in ~/bin. (the tilde '~' means your home directory. If ~/bin does not exist, create it: Ubuntu will put that directory in your PATH. It's a good place to put personal scripts). Next, make the script executable:

chmod u+x ~/bin/update-mydebs

How the script works:

dpkg-scanpackages looks at all the packages in mydebs, and the output is compressed and written to a file (Packages.gz) that apt-get update can read (see below for a reference that explains this in excruciating detail). /dev/null is an empty file; it is a substitute for an override file which holds some additional information about the packages, which in this case is not really needed. See deb-override(5) if you want to know about it.


add the line

deb file:/usr/local/mydebs ./

to your /etc/apt/sources.list, and you're done.

CD Option

You can burn the directory containing the debs to a CD and use that as a repository as well (good for sharing between computers). To use the CD as a repository, simply run

sudo apt-cdrom add

Using the Repository

Whenever you put a new deb in the mydebs directory, run

sudo update-mydebs
sudo apt-get update

Now your local packages can be manipulated with Synaptic, aptitude and the apt commands: apt-get, apt-cache, etc. When you attempt to apt-get install, any dependencies will be resolved for you, as long as they can be met.

Badly made packages will probably fail, but you won't have endured dpkg hell.

See Also

CategoryOffline CategoryPackageManagement

Repositories/Personal (last edited 2011-03-16 12:25:00 by 77-20-48-211-dynip)