Diff for "Signpost/IRCBoilerPlate"

Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2009-07-03 19:10:31
Size: 452
Editor: cpc5-hitc4-0-0-cust385
Revision 3 as of 2009-07-09 14:54:38
Size: 452
Editor: 99-164-75-208
Comment: Just capitalized 'I' for "Install the following package"
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 3: Line 3:
 1. [[InstallingSoftware#installing-a-package|install the following package]]: '''''[[apt:xchat|xchat]]'''''  1. [[InstallingSoftware#installing-a-package|Install the following package]]: '''''[[apt:xchat|xchat]]'''''
  1. Install the following package: xchat

  2. Go to Applications > Internet > X-Chat IRC

  3. Choose "FreeNode" from the list of networks

  4. Click "Connect"
  5. Click Server > Join a Channel in the menu system

  6. Type the name of the channel you want to join (channel names always begin with a #)

Signpost/IRCBoilerPlate (last edited 2009-07-09 15:47:08 by cpc5-hitc4-0-0-cust385)