Steam is an online gaming platform used with games such as Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Left 4 Dead, and Portal.
This guide will attempt to instruct you on how to install a game SERVER - that is, you cannot play the game from the computer, but only run an online server - for these games on Ubuntu. This page has been adapted from this source.
Setting up user accounts
The server should run as its own user. Start by adding a user:
sudo adduser '''l4d1'''
In this case, I'm adding a user for Left 4 Dead (l4d), with an ID of '1', in case I need to add more later, I keep chronology this way. Ideas for Counter-Strike: Source names could be css1 and css2, hl2dm1 and hl2dm2 for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, etc. It doesn't matter, as long as you remember it.
Change to the user's home directory, e.g. cd /home/'''l4d1'''}}, and sudo to that user with {{{sudo -u '''l4d1''' -i (the -i is for initiate, so you don't have to type sudo in front of all your commands).
Now create a directory called hlds with mkdir hlds and cd to it (cd hlds).
Getting the software
The software can be downloaded from the Steam website with the following command.
wget http://storefront.steampowered.com/download/hldsupdatetool.bin
This sets up the server software, allows you to download the gameservers, etc.
Allow it to be executable by executing chmod +x hldsupdatetoolbin and running it (./hldsupdatetool.bin
You will be asked to agree to Valve's Terms and Conditions. Simply type yes and hit enter.
Next up, the game - hldsupdatetool.bin should have installed a program called steam in the directory. Type chmod +x steam to allow it to be executable. Next up, installing the game.
The syntax for installing a game is:
./steam -command update -game '''GAME''' -dir .
Substitute GAME by the appropriate game:
* For Left 4 Dead: l4d_full
* For Counter-Strike: Source: Counter-Strike Source
For the rest, I'm not sure.
The next part will take a while, depending on your server's network connection. You will see a percentage appear on the left. Just sit back and wait.