Thunar Custom Actions
If you like Thunar file manager (default in Xubuntu), you will probably love custom actions. These are user-defined commands that act upon selected files in Thunar. Either on its own, or combined with a simple dialog app such as Zenity, these can be very powerful and useful.
Thunar > Edit > Configure custom actions will take you to the dialog for creating and organising your custom actions. However, because this is GUI-oriented, the easiest way to install someone else's custom action is through a bash command. This is a list of a number of custom actions contributed by the Ubuntu community.
Delete/Bypass Recycle Bin
rm -r
Description: Removes the selected file(s) from the disk, bypassing any local Recycle bin. Useful when in samba shares. Requires confirmation for reasons of safety.
Requires: zenity
CONTENT='<action><icon>stock_delete</icon><name>Remove...</name><command>zenity --question --title="Remove..." --window-icon="/usr/share/icons/Tango/16x16/actions/edit-delete.png" --text="Do you wish to permanently\nremove the selected file(s)?" ; if [ $? = 0 ] ; then rm -r %F ; fi</command><description>Permanently remove the selected file(s)</description><patterns>*</patterns><directories/><audio-files/><image-files/><other-files/><text-files/><video-files/></action>' cat $HOME/.config/Thunar/uca.xml >> newtmp sed 's/<\/actions>//' <newtmp >newfile echo $CONTENT >> newfile mv $HOME/.config/Thunar/uca.xml $HOME/.config/Thunar/uca.xml.bak mv newfile $HOME/.config/Thunar/uca.xml rm newtmp
Create Symlink
ln -s
Description: Creates an absolute symbolic link to the selected file in the same folder, which can then be moved or renamed as desired. man ln for more info.
CONTENT='<action><icon>emblem-symbolic-link</icon><name>Create Symlink</name><command>ln -s %f %n.symlink</command><description>Creates a symbolic link to the selected object</description><patterns>*</patterns><directories/><audio-files/><image-files/><other-files/><text-files/><video-files/></action>' cat $HOME/.config/Thunar/uca.xml >> newtmp sed 's/<\/actions>//' <newtmp >newfile echo $CONTENT >> newfile mv $HOME/.config/Thunar/uca.xml $HOME/.config/Thunar/uca.xml.bak mv newfile $HOME/.config/Thunar/uca.xml rm newtmp
Permanently Remove
Xdialog --title "Remove..." --yesno "Do you wish to permanently remove \n %N?" 10 45 && rm -r %F
Description: Permanently remove selected files. Appears if selection contains any files.
Requires: Xdialog
<action><icon></icon><name>Permanently remove...</name><command>Xdialog --title "Remove..." --yesno "Do you wish to permanently remove n %N?" 10 45 && rm -r %F</command><description>Permanently remove selected files</description><patterns>*</patterns><directories/><audio-files/><image-files/><other-files/><text-files/><video-files/></action>
cat %F > joined.txt
Description: Join selected text files. Appears if selection contains text files.
<action><icon></icon><name>Join</name><command>cat %F > joined.txt</command><description>Join selected text files</description><patterns>*</patterns><text-files/></action>
feh %F
Description: View selected images in a slideshow. Appears if selection contains image files.
Requires: feh
<action><icon></icon><name>View</name><command>feh %F</command><description>View selected images in a slideshow</description><patterns>*</patterns><image-files/></action>
Play 15 seconds
mplayer %f -really-quiet -endpos 15
Description: Play a 15 seconds clip of a media file. Appears if selection contains: audio files, video files
Requires: mplayer
<action><icon></icon><name>Play 15 seconds</name><command>mplayer %f -really-quiet -endpos 15</command><description>Play a 15 seconds clip of a media file</description><patterns>*</patterns><audio-files/><video-files/></action>
Copy Current Path
echo -n %f | xclip -selection "clipboard"
Description: Copies $PATH to clipboard.
echo -n %f | xclip -selection "clipboard"
Open Terminal Here
urxvtc -cd %f
Description: Opens terminal in current directory.
Requires: urxvt client
urxvtc -cd %f
Extract Archive Here
squeeze -x . %N
Description: Extracts archive to current directory.
Requires: squeeze
squeeze -x . %N
Extract Passworded Archive
xarchiver -e %N
Description: Extracts passworded archive to current directory.
Requires: xarchiver
xarchiver -e %N
Estimated Space Usage
du -chs --apparent-size %N | zenity --text-info
Description: Estimates disk space usage.
Requires: zenity
du -chs --apparent-size %N | zenity --text-info
Create Archive Here
squeeze -n %N
Description: Creates archive in current directory.
Requires: squeeze
squeeze -n %N
Sign Using GnuPG
terminal -e "gpg -a -u [user] -b %f"
Description: Signs a file with the user's GPG key.
Requires: gpg
terminal -e "gpg -a -u [user] -b %f"
Encrypt Using GnuPG
terminal -e "gpg -e -r [recipient] %f"
Description: Encrypts a file using GPG.
Requires: gpg
terminal -e "gpg -e -r [recipient] %f"
Decrypt GnuPG File
terminal -e "gpg -o %n.decrypted -d %f"
Description: Decrypts GnuPG file, appending ".decrypted" to the decrypted filename.
Requires: gpg
terminal -e "gpg -o %n.decrypted -d %f"
Shred and Delete File(s)
zenity --question;if [$? = 0];then shred -fuz %F;fi
Description: Shreds and deletes file.
Requires: zenity
zenity --question;if [$? = 0];then shred -fuz %F;fi
Add to iPod
Command: %F | Xdialog --title "GNUpod - Add song" --no-cancel --tailbox - 24 64
Description: Adds songs to iPod. Appears if selection contains audio or video files.
Requires: gnupod, Xdialog
<action><icon></icon><name>Add to Ipod</name><command> %F | Xdialog --title "GNUpod - Add song" --no-cancel --tailbox - 24 64</command><description>Add songs to Ipod</description><patterns>*.mp3;*.m4a;*.mp4</patterns><audio-files/><video-files/></action>
Open Folder As Root
gksu thunar %f
Description: Opens current folder with root permissions.
gksu thunar %f
Open Text as Root
gksu gedit %f
Description: Opens selected text file with root permissions. Substitute the name of your editor of choice for "gedit".
Requires: text editor
gksu gedit %f
Search Including Hidden Files/Folders
catfish --fileman=thunar --hidden --path=%f
Description: Searches entire filesystem.
Requires: catfish
catfish --fileman=thunar --hidden --path=%f
Mount ISO
gksudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 %f /mnt'
Description: Mounts .iso files.
gksudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 %f /mnt
Convert To AVI
xfce4-terminal -x ffmpeg -i %f -b 798k -ab 128k %f.avi
Description: Converts video file to .avi.
Requires: ffmpeg
xfce4-terminal -x ffmpeg -i %f -b 798k -ab 128k %f.avi
Add Progress Bar To Copy
(for I in $(seq 2); do echo $I; sleep 1; done; cp %F "/destination/folder") | zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close
Description: Adds progress bar to copy/paste.
Requires: zenity
(for I in $(seq 2); do echo $I; sleep 1; done; cp %F "/destination/folder") | zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close
Change Multiple File Permissions
Description: Allows user to change file permissions of one or multiple files with small GUI.
Requires: zenity
ans=$(zenity --height=350 --list --text "change files permissions" --checklist --column "pick" --column "options" TRUE "user-read" TRUE "user-write" FALSE "user-exec" FALSE "group-read" FALSE "group-write" FALSE "group-exec" FALSE "all-read" FALSE "all-write" FALSE "all-exec" --separator=":"); if [ "$ans" != "" ]; then searchuserread="user-read"; searchuserwrite="user-write"; searchuserexec="user-exec"; user1="0" ; user2="0" ; user3="0" ; searchgroupread="group-read"; searchgroupwrite="group-write"; searchgroupexec="group-exec"; group1="0" ; group2="0" ; group3="0" ; searchallread="all-read"; searchallwrite="all-write"; searchallexec="all-exec"; all1="0" ; all2="0" ; all3="0" ; case $ans in *"$searchuserread"*) user1="4" ;; esac ; case $ans in *"$searchuserwrite"*) user2="2" ;; esac ; case $ans in *"$searchuserexec"*) user3="1" ;; esac ; case $ans in *"$searchgroupread"*) group1="4" ;; esac ; case $ans in *"$searchgroupwrite"*) group2="2" ;; esac ; case $ans in *"$searchgroupexec"*) group3="1" ;; esac ; case $ans in *"$searchallread"*) all1="4" ;; esac ; case $ans in *"$searchallwrite"*) all2="2" ;; esac ; case $ans in *"$searchallexec"*) all3="1" ;; esac ; u=$(($user1 + $user2 + $user3)) ; g=$(($group1 + $group2 + $group3)) ; a=$(($all1 + $all2 + $all3)) ; result="$u$g$a" ; chmod $result %F || { zenity --error --text="an error occurred!\ncheck if you are allowed\nto change permissions\nof the selected files"; } ; fi
Move Files From Subfolders To Parent Folder
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -exec mv "{}" . \;
Description: Moves files from subfolders to parent (current) folder.
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -exec mv "{}" . \;
Delete All Empty Folders
find . -type d -empty -delete
Description: Deletes all empty folders in current directory.
find . -type d -empty -delete
Encrypt/Decrypt using BCrypt
Description: Uses bcrypt to encrypt/decrypt files.
Requires: zenity, bcrypt
zenity --info --title="Impending Bcrypt Operation" --window-icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/keybox.png" --text="There is a bcrypt operation impending. Watch inside the File Manager window to verify that said operation is successful." ; : ; while [ "$?" = "0" ] ; do xterm -e bcrypt %F ; sleep 2 ; zenity --question --title="Success?" --window-icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/keybox.png" --text="Was the bcrypt operation successful?" ; if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then exit ; fi ; zenity --question --title="Try again?" --window-icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/keybox.png" --text="Would you like to try again?" ; if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then exit ; fi ; done
Grab Metadata From Media File
ffmpeg -i %f 2>&1 | grep -e Stream -e Duration -e Input | zenity --width=800 --height=240 --text-info --title %n
Description: Grabs info from a media (audio/video) file using ffmpeg.
Requires: ffmpeg, zenity
ffmpeg -i %f 2>&1 | grep -e Stream -e Duration -e Input | zenity --width=800 --height=240 --text-info --title %n
Another good source of custom actions can be found in the Thunar wiki.
Originally posted The Ubuntu Forums (