Diff for "UbuntuStudio/NewWiki"

Differences between revisions 48 and 49
Revision 48 as of 2012-05-18 02:14:13
Size: 3710
Editor: 90-230-166-102-no35
Revision 49 as of 2012-05-18 02:15:29
Size: 3769
Editor: 90-230-166-102-no35
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 42: Line 42:
'''[[http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Resources | Where can I find more help?]]''' - links to Manuals, User Guides, Mailing lists etc.. '''[[http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Resources | Where can I find more help?]]''' - links to Manuals, User Guides, Mailing lists etc.. '''Expand Video and Graphics Section'''
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'''[[http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/FindingSoftware | How do I find software?]]''' - Finding applications that may be useful for multimedia production. '''[[http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/FindingSoftware | How do I find software?]]''' - Finding applications that may be useful for multimedia production. '''Not done Yet'''

UbuntuStudio Community Wiki From Scratch


Introduction To Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio is an officially recognized flavor of Ubuntu. Like Ubuntu, it is a free operating system based on free and open source software (FLOSS) shipping with the the latest and most up to date multimedia software in the GNU/Linux world.

This is the Community driven Ubuntu Studio Documentation page. Anyone is allowed to edit or add to this page, though this page and many others is created by Ubuntu Studio developers. If for instance you would like to create a "howto" page, sign in, and add a link for it here. Help on editing can be found here.

Try Before Installing

Before installing, you might like to try out Ubuntu Studio by booting from a live image. This means you can boot from a DVD, or a usb stick as if you were booting from hard disk, and access all the default Ubuntu Studio applications without installing anything. Instructions for how to do that are included in the installation instructions below.

Installing Ubuntu Studio - Instructions on how to install Ubuntu Studio

Get Instant Support

IRC - Get online and talk with other users and Ubuntu Studio developers directly.

Mail List - Join The Ubuntu Studio User Mail list

Ubuntu Forums - Join the Ubuntu Forums, where there's a special category for Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio User Introduction

Pro audio Introduction - a short introduction to using pro audio applications with Ubuntu Studio Not done yet

How To's

Ubuntu Studio How To's - Please add all Ubuntu Studio related how to's here Needs to be thouroughly populated with old community pages


Is my hardware supported? - Information about linux supported hardware

Where can I find more help? - links to Manuals, User Guides, Mailing lists etc.. Expand Video and Graphics Section

How do I find software? - Finding applications that may be useful for multimedia production. Not done Yet

Contributing to Ubuntu Studio

Reporting Bugs - Guide for reporting bugs

How To Help - Generally about helping Ubuntu Studio

Join the Development Team - Subscribe to the ubuntustudio-devel mail list and/or the #ubuntustudio-devel IRC channel at irc.freenode.net, and present yourself with what you would like to contribute with.

UbuntuStudio/NewWiki (last edited 2012-05-24 14:42:06 by 90-230-166-102-no35)