Diff for "XineramaHowTo"

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Revision 8 as of 2006-07-19 17:41:06
Size: 5901
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Revision 9 as of 2006-08-16 22:37:46
Size: 8222
Editor: 85-126-76-170
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== Intel integrated graphics adapters ==

For everyone annoyed looking for solutions beside the two main brands, here's where i found help:

 1. install i810switch (a tool to switch on/off your laptops LCD and external VGA adapter)
 2. read the man-pages of i810 for further info and options
 3. the most important lines in your xorg.conf:
Section "Device"
# Identifier "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device"
 Identifier "Intel-LCD"
 Driver "i810"
 BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
 Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, CRT+LFP"
Section "Device"
 Identifier "Intel-VGA"
 Driver "i810"
 BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
 Screen 1
 Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, CRT+LFP"
Section "Monitor"
 Identifier "LCD"
 Option "DPMS"
 HorizSync 28-51
 VertRefresh 43-60
Section "Monitor"
 Identifier "CRT"
 Option "DPMS"
 HorizSync 28-51
 VertRefresh 43-60
Section "Screen"
 Identifier "LCD-Screen"
 Device "Intel-LCD"
 Monitor "LCD"
 DefaultDepth 24
 SubSection "Display"
  Depth 16
  Modes "1024x768"
 SubSection "Display"
  Depth 24
  Modes "1024x768"
Section "Screen"
 Identifier "CRT-Screen"
 Device "Intel-VGA"
 Monitor "CRT"
 DefaultDepth 24
 SubSection "Display"
  Depth 16
  Modes "1024x768"
 SubSection "Display"
  Depth 24
  Modes "1024x768"
Section "ServerLayout"
 Identifier "Multihead"
 Screen 0 "LCD-Screen"
 Screen 1 "CRT-Screen" RightOf "LCD-Screen"
 Option "Xinerama" "on"
 Option "Clone" "off"
 InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
 InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
 InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
 InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
 InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
 InputDevice "Synaptics Touchpad"

Actually i dont know which screen is which, but it works! AND you will have to change settings to the screens to fit your monitors, resolutions and stuff.
Found at ["http://www.wahlau.org/ubuntu_hoary_thinkpad_t43_and_xorg_dual_head_display"]

The most important lines are the MonitorLayout lines in the device-section. Further info about that command is found in your mentioned i810 manpage.

Thanks to Jazon, fritsch and jott in #kubuntu!

Xinerama (multiple monitors)

This is a nascent wiki entry, that will be updated & refactored as more information becomes available.

For now see the following forum threads / pages :

It is advisable to install the graphics card's binary driver before configuring dual monitors. See BinaryDriverHowto.


Quick and dirty guide to using nVidia TwinView (two outputs on one card, a single desktop split across two monitors. 3d/video stuff works seamlessly across both).

Ok, the first thing to check is how many outputs your card has. Most of them tend to have a 15pin VGA output (the one your monitor is probably on) and a larger white DVI onnector. The ones with this DVI connector usually come with an adapter that converts it to a 15pin VGA socket - if you have this then you are ready for dualhead Smile :)

Once you have two monitors hooked up, the magic all happens in the X config file (which will be /etc/X11/xorg.conf (/etc/X11/Xorg.conf) or /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 depending on which version you are unning). It is all contained in the Device section.

Here is mine:

 Section "Device"
         Identifier  "Videocard0"
         Driver      "nvidia"
         VendorName  "Videocard vendor"
         BoardName   "NVIDIA GeForce FX5900XT"
         Option      "TwinView"                 "true"
         Option      "RenderAccel"              "true"
         Option      "UseEdidFreqs"             "true"
         Option      "MetaModes"                "1600x1200,1600x1200;1280x1024,1280x1024;1024x768,NULL;800x600,800x600;640x480,640x480"
         Option      "SecondMonitorHorizSync"   "30-110"
         Option      "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "50-160"

The most important is the "TwinView" one, which enables the dualhead support. "UseEdidFreqs" means to probe the monitors for the resolutions they support (more on that in a moment). The "MetaModes" is where the configuration really lies - this tells the driver how you want the displays configured. The first entry will be the default and each entry is separated by a semicolon (";"). The first entry in mine therefore is "1600x1200,1600x1200" which means that both monitors should be in a 1600x1200 screenmode, making the total X display 3200x1200. Same principle for 1280x1024,1280x1024. The next one is slightly different, "1024x768,NULL" means that the second monitor will display nothing, so this mode is a true 1024x768 mode on the first monitor only (I use this one for playing games so they don't cross the monitor boundary). Beyond that, the "SecondMonitor" options are because my second monitor doesn't support EDID frequency lookups, so I have to tell the driver its refresh rates.

The only other thing you need to change then is to tell X's "Screen" section about these sizes.

Here is mine:

 Section "Screen"
         Identifier   "Screen0"
         Device       "Videocard0"
         Monitor      "Monitor0"
         DefaultDepth 24
         SubSection "Display"
           Viewport   0 0
           Depth      24
           Modes      "3200x1200" "2560x1024" "1024x768" "1600x600" "1280x480"

The "Modes" line being the important one here, you can see that it tells X the sizes the displays will be once the nvidia driver has set the monitors up with the metamodes above.

That should pretty much be it, just check you're not loading the Xinerama module in the config file, nvidia's driver provides its own xinerama extension. I strongly recommend reading the README included with nvidia's driver (also available in the Linux driver section on www.nvidia.com) as it contains a lot more information about twinview that might be relevant to your situation.


For users with an ati radeon card i found a xorg.conf which worked for me:

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier "Fujitsu0"
        Option  "DPMS"
Section "Monitor"
        Identifier "Fujitsu1"
        Option  "DPMS"

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "ati0"
        Driver          "radeon"
        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"
        Screen          0

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "ati1"
        Driver          "radeon"
        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"
        Screen          1

Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "screen0"
        Device          "ati0"
        Monitor         "Fujitsu0"
        DefaultDepth    24
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth   24
                Modes   "1280x1024"

Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "screen1"
        Device          "ati1"
        Monitor         "Fujitsu1"
        DefaultDepth    24
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth   24
                Modes   "1280x1024"
Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier "Multihead"
        Screen  "screen0"
        Screen  "screen1" RightOf "screen0"
        InputDevice     "mouse1" "CorePointer"
        InputDevice     "keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"
        Option "Xinerama"

found at: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-105588-highlight-ati+radeon+mobility+7500.html

Hope this helps:

Here is a link to a xorg.conf (wish I could claim it) that lays out multiple X servers.

You will need to modify it to your situation (mouse, keyboard, monitors, TV)

One server for twinview, one for separate monitors, and one for each monitor (as a single monitor).

You should be able to adapt it to do just about whatever you need.

Read it carefully it is well commented.


Intel integrated graphics adapters

For everyone annoyed looking for solutions beside the two main brands, here's where i found help:

  1. install i810switch (a tool to switch on/off your laptops LCD and external VGA adapter)
  2. read the man-pages of i810 for further info and options
  3. the most important lines in your xorg.conf:

Section "Device"
#       Identifier      "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device"
        Identifier      "Intel-LCD"
        Driver          "i810"
        BusID           "PCI:0:2:0"
        Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, CRT+LFP"
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Intel-VGA"
        Driver          "i810"
        BusID           "PCI:0:2:0"
        Screen          1
        Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, CRT+LFP"
Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "LCD"
        Option          "DPMS"
        HorizSync       28-51
        VertRefresh     43-60
Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "CRT"
        Option          "DPMS"
        HorizSync       28-51
        VertRefresh     43-60
Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "LCD-Screen"
        Device          "Intel-LCD"
        Monitor         "LCD"
        DefaultDepth    24
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth           16
                Modes           "1024x768"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth           24
                Modes           "1024x768"
Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "CRT-Screen"
        Device          "Intel-VGA"
        Monitor         "CRT"
        DefaultDepth    24
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth           16
                Modes           "1024x768"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth           24
                Modes           "1024x768"
Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier      "Multihead"
        Screen          0 "LCD-Screen"
        Screen          1 "CRT-Screen" RightOf "LCD-Screen"
        Option "Xinerama" "on"
        Option "Clone" "off"
        InputDevice     "Generic Keyboard"
        InputDevice     "Configured Mouse"
        InputDevice     "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
        InputDevice     "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
        InputDevice     "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
        InputDevice     "Synaptics Touchpad"

Actually i dont know which screen is which, but it works! AND you will have to change settings to the screens to fit your monitors, resolutions and stuff. Found at ["http://www.wahlau.org/ubuntu_hoary_thinkpad_t43_and_xorg_dual_head_display"]

The most important lines are the MonitorLayout lines in the device-section. Further info about that command is found in your mentioned i810 manpage.

Thanks to Jazon, fritsch and jott in #kubuntu!

CategoryDocumentation CategoryCleanup

XineramaHowTo (last edited 2014-10-03 01:21:41 by nealmcb)