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kdenlive is a Multi track non linear video editor . kdenlive is not fully stable yet. It will crash sometimes. The more RAM and a faster CPU makes a signficant improvement in the functionality of kdenlive. The more capable the pc, the significantly less the number of "crashes". It Accepts many audio / video / image formats: mpeg, avi, dv, vob, wav, ogg, mp3, gif (non animated), jpg, png, svg, ... It can Export to many formats: mpeg, dv, vob, realvideo, flash, theora, wav, mp3, xvid, quicktime
kdenlive can be installed from the repositories using synaptic or apt-get install kdenlive
If the application crashes on start up delete this file by entering this in a terminal
rm ~/.kde/share/config/kdenliverc
sudo apt-get install libxcb-composite0 libxcb1-dbg libxcb1-dev - may help stability
Importing footage
The capture system does not work very well. You are probably best off using kino to capture.
Basic Editing
Currently subtitling is not supported third party applications such as http://www.jubler.org/ may work for you.
Other documentation