Intrusion Detection
As a part of your comprhensive security management the samhain host based intrusion detection system (HIDS) should be an integral component.
HIDS is a proactive measure to help avoid rootkits, unplanned system changes and other potentially nefarious activity.
Samhain Labs, samhain IDS
Samhain is a full system integrity monitoring and reporting application designed to alert you, good sysadmin, to suspect changes and activities on your host(s).
Samhain operates in a client/server daemon environment. Host file checksums and properties are centrally stored in a variety of database servers. e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.
Extra documentation, details and FAQ's at:
Samhain Installation and Configuration
Install and Preconfigure a Database Server
Choose a supported database server and have it installed and pre-configured prior to configuring samhain. I've chosen PostgreSQL.
Ubunutu Feisty Fawn 7.04 has a samhain package in System Administration (universe).
apt-get install samhain
Creative Commons License
Author: James B. Crocker
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.