Quick Settings

The Quick Settings buttons in the system menu let you quickly switch available services on or off, and choose Bluetooth devices or Wi-Fi networks.


Press the Wi-Fi button to switch Wi-Fi off or back on.

The button shows the Wi-Fi network that's currently connected.

Press right to show available networks.

Select a network to initiate a connection, or select All Networks to open the Wi-Fi settings panel.


Press the Wired button to switch wired networking off or back on. The button shows information about the current wired network connection. Press right to show more settings. Select Wired Settings to open the Network settings panel.


Press the Bluetooth button to switch bluetooth off or back on. The button shows the name of the first device, or the number of devices connected. Press right to show paired and connected Bluetooth devices. Select one to connect or disconnect. Select Bluetooth Settings to open the Bluetooth settings panel.

Power Mode

The Power Mode button shows the current power mode setting. Press the button to switch to Power Save or back to the current setting. Press right to select from all modes. Select Power Settings to open the Power settings panel.


The other buttons show the current status of Night Light, Dark Style, Airplane Mode, or Keyboard backlight, where available. Press the button to switch on or off.

Background Apps

The number of background applications running on the system is shown at the bottom of the system menu. Click to show a list of these apps. Selecting an application from the list opens a window for that app and removes it from Background Apps. Select App Settings to open the Apps settings panel.