Concurrent Versions System Web Interface
CVSweb is a WWW interface for CVS repositories with which you can browse a file hierarchy on your browser to view each file's revision history in a very handy manner.
This documentation is accurate as of April 6, 2012. These steps have been performed on Ubuntu 10.04.4 Server systems and confirmed to work as described here.
It's generally a good idea to start with a healthy, fully functioning, up-to-date system. This means that some combination of sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and sudo apt-get autoremove should have been recently run. Please understand what the commands do before blindly running them as any system update has the potential to render a system inoperable.
I also had the Apache web server installed and functioning prior to installing CVSweb which is an important thing to note since cvsweb won't function without a properly installed and configered web server as it does not include one of its own.
To install CVSweb, simply run:
sudo apt-get install cvsweb
Make a copy of the original cvsweb.conf file:
sudo cp /etc/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf /etc/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf.ORIGINAL
Now modify the cvsweb.conf file so that it looks like the following.
. . . @CVSrepositories = ( # 'freebsd' => ['FreeBSD', '/var/ncvs'], . . .
. . . @CVSrepositories = ( 'local' => ['Local Repository', '/var/lib/cvs'], # 'freebsd' => ['FreeBSD', '/var/ncvs'], . . .
If the directory containing the cvsweb icons and css files is not in /var/www, you have to add a symbolic link:
sudo ln -s /usr/share/cvsweb /var/www/cvsweb
You can now access CVSweb on your server by browsing to:
See Also
A see also section can be used to point users towards other trusted Ubuntu resources. For example, if a page exists in the official documentation on, you can link to such a page. This section is optional.
<Link> - Explanation of link.
<Link> - Explanation of link.
<Link> - Explanation of link.
External Links
An external links section can be used to point users towards general information about the subject matter of the page, such as a wikipedia entry or project homepage. This section is optional.
CVSweb - FreeBSD CVSweb Project.
<Link> - Explanation of link.
<Link> - Explanation of link.