Installing Epson GT-F720, GT-S620, Perfection V30, or Perfection V300 Photo scanner

NOTE: Tried only with Espon Perfection V30; according to Epson the other scanners use the same Epkowa interpreter.

Required packages

These four scanners require the following packages:

  • iscan-${version}~usb0.1.ltdl7_{$architecture}.deb
    • From ubuntu 8.10 and up ltdl7 is used, older 8.04 and before version of ubuntu use ltdl3.;

  • iscan-data_${version}_all.deb; and
  • esci-interpreter-gt-f720_${version}_${architecture}.deb
    • The esci-interpreter version is different from the iscan-, and iscan-data-version.

Epson provides these packages via their download page Search for your scanner model. Iscan and iscan-data are in the "core package&data package"-module. esci-interpreter is in the "iscan plugin"-module.


Install the packages using your favourite package management tool. The following shows using the commandline tools dpkg, apt-get, and apt-mark:

  • Install the downloaded packages:
    •    sudo dpkg -i --refuse-downgrade \
              ${HOME}/Downloads/iscan-data_${version}~usb0.1.ltdl7_{$architecture}.deb \
              ${HOME}/Downloads/iscan-${version}~usb0.1.ltdl7_{$architecture}.deb \
  • Fix missing dependencies:
    •    sudo apt-get install --fix-broken
  • Mark iscan-data as automatically installed, so that it will be removed when you
    • unintall iscan.

      If you intent to use another (SANE) frontend, you can mark iscan as automatically installed as well. The esci-interpreter depends on iscan which depends on iscan-data.

         sudo apt-mark auto iscan-data

Configure Sane to use Esci-interpreter

To iscan and esci-interpreter packages confige sane automatically: It Just Works™.

If you had powered on your scanner before installing the drivers, turn it off and on again to avoid the access denied errors (see ).

See also

* - info and solution for "access refused to the peripheral" error * - tutorial on mannually configuring drivers for sane.

EPSON GT-F720, GT-S620, Perfection V30, Perfection V300 Photo (last edited 2014-11-04 07:50:25 by 142-254-27-242)