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Clear message

Edubuntu Cookbook

A gentle introduction for non-technical users to installing, configuring and most importantly, using Edubuntu.

Intended audience

The Edubuntu Cookbook should be useful for the following groups:

  1. Educators with an Edubuntu lab who wish to learn how to make full use of the system.
  2. People with basic ICT skills who wish to install an Edubuntu lab in schools.
  3. ICT staff experienced with proprietary systems, in schools wishing to pilot free and open source software (FOSS) using Edubuntu.

How to Contribute

  1. Visit the BasicSetup page. Do you think the list is missing an essential task? Improve the list. These critically important tasks are required to set up a classroom/lab.

  2. Take a look at the Cookbook Worksheet and find something which you would like to do.

  3. Add your self to the list, describing which recipe you will write.
  4. Have at it!

Section / Chapter Headings

  1. Appetizers (Introduction, Background, Philosophy, Goals, Testimonials)

  2. Entres (Getting started, Thin-Client Computing, Walkthrough, Hardware requirements, Networking, Server Configuration, Network Install Options)

  3. Main Courses (General Software, Educational Software, Common tasks, Backups, Day-to-day classroom use)

  4. Desserts (Upgrading, training, and expanding, Where to go from here, How to contribute to Ubuntu)


Edubuntu Discontinued


EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuCookbook (last edited 2016-06-03 12:39:28 by 65)