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E-tax is software made by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that enables Australian employers/employees and taxpayers to lodge their tax return online. Being a Windows program, it does not run natively on Ubuntu so you'll need to either use Wine or a VirtualBox set-up to run e-tax on Ubuntu.

You will need to grab the latest Windows version of e-tax from the ATO's website - http://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Lodging-your-tax-return/E-tax/

The latest version of e-tax as of writing was e-tax 2013.

E-tax on Ubuntu using Wine

To use e-tax on Ubuntu, you'll need to install Wine. Wine can be use to run Windows programs on Ubuntu. To install Wine, either run:

sudo apt-get install wine

Or open up the Ubuntu Software Centre and search for Wine - it's in the universe repository. You'll be likely to have better success if you're using a recent version of Ubuntu, namely 11.04 or 11.10, due to the Wine version being much more current.

The Wine application database reports that you need to install msxml4:

winetricks msxml4

Once you have installed Wine, you should be able to open the .msi etax2011 file you downloaded by right-clicking it and selecting, "Open with Wine Windows Program Loader"

If Wine does not run the program properly, you can also try using the command -

msiexec /i etax2011_1.msi

Wine's homepage

Wine App Database - e-tax

E-tax website - general e-tax information

Etax (last edited 2017-09-04 01:59:01 by ckimes)