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Eternal Lands is a free, massively multi-player on-line role playing game (MMORPG). The game is free to play and the client is open source. The basic aim of this page is to help you install the game.

Ubuntu packages are available from the Launchpad Personal Package Area (PPA) of Paul Broadhead, one of the official developers for the Eternal Lands client. The client (eternallands), data (eternallands-data), sound (eternallands-sound) and music (eternallands-music) are packaged separately to simplify updates.

How to install Eternal Lands

Ubuntu Packages

  1. Open a command line terminal then enter the following commands:
  2. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pjbroad/ppa
  3. sudo apt-get update
  4. sudo apt-get install eternallands

This will install the client and data packages, and normally, the sound package too. If the sound package is not included but you want it, use:

  1. sudo apt-get install eternallands-sound

Additionally, if you want the music use:

  1. sudo apt-get install eternallands-music

Debian Packages

Packages built for debian stable are also available. To set up the package source open a terminal and used the following commands:

  1. su -
  2. cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  3. wget

  4. apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver E3F229518F5D0E61

  5. apt-get update

This will change to the root user, add the package archive to your package sources, add the gpg key required to authenticate the packages and then update your package list.

Now, to install the game, from the same terminal as the root user:

  1. apt-get install eternallands

This will install the client and data packages, and normally, the sound package too. If the sound package is not included but you want it, use:

  1. apt-get install eternallands-sound

And if you want the music use:

  1. apt-get install eternallands-music

Issues with unmet/unresolved dependencies in Ubuntu

If the installation fails with an error message about unmet or unresolved dependencies for a package, e.g. libcal3d12, you will need to enabled some additional software sources. To do this launch the Software & Updates GUI tool. On the "Ubuntu Software" tab, tick the "Community maintained Open Source software (universe)" option then close the GUI. This will update your software sources. Once enabled, retry installing the game packages using your preferred method.


Playing Eternal Lands

Once the installation has completed, you will have a new "Eternal Lands" icon in the games section/menu.

If you have played the game before from your current Ubuntu login account, your game personal settings may need to be updated to point at the new installation. When you launch the game, you will be given the option to automatically fix any personal settings.

Using an alternative configuration i.e. server

By default the installed icon will launch a configuration/server selection GUI. The first time you launch the game you will be given the option to disable this GUI for future sessions. If you disable this GUI, the "main" configuration will be used by default. This will connect you to the main server. You can easily use other configuration settings (e.g. for alternative servers) by specifying the configuration name as a parameter for the launcher. Note: if you specify a configuration name that does not exist, the game defaults to the "main" configuration.

Custom Maps (tab-maps)

Various unofficial packs exist that contain additional and replacement map images (i.e. tab maps). These files are normally installed in the "maps" sub-directory of the game data; doing this could cause issues when updating or removing the install packages. However, these tab-maps can also be installed in your user settings directory, in the "updates/<version>/maps" sub-directory; e.g. "$HOME/.elc/updates/1_9_4/maps". Installing tab-maps here will not cause issues with installed packages and will also be preserved during updates.

Development Versions and Release Candidates of Eternal Lands

The Eternal Lands client is under constant development. Often, the development version has nice new features that will not be available in the release version for several months. It is perfectly fine to play the game using this development version. In fact, if you find and report bugs, you are actively helping improve the game. Almost always, this development version is stable and can happily be used for normal game play.

Note: The development version is available from a different package repository that needs to be added in addition to the standard one.

To install on Ubuntu, open a terminal window and use the following commands:

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pjbroad/testing
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get upgrade

To install on Debian, open a terminal window and use the following commands:

  1. su -
  2. cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  3. wget

  4. apt-get update
  5. apt-get upgrade
