This is a Howto article describing steps on how to make your Genius Colorpage Vivid4X work in Ubuntu. Genius Colorpage Vivid4x are stand-alone and user-friendly scanners. It is cheap and very much reliable. Although it does require drivers to get it working in Ubuntu, the steps are fairly easy to accomplish and you'll get your scanner working in a matter of minutes.
1. Scan or OCR Program
- Kooka
- XSane
2. SANE Packages
- sane
- libsane
- sane-utils
3. You Genius Colorpage Vivid4x firmware named ccd548.fw
4. Your Genius Colorpage Vivid4x powered up and plugged in via USB
1. Download the SANE packages
sudo apt-get install sane libsane sane-utils
2. Next run sane-find-scanner on a terminal window The results should say
found USB scanner (vendor=0x0458, product=0x201b [600DPI USB Scanner], chip=GT.6816) at libusb:001:004
3. Copy the firmware file from /media/hda1/Program Files/ScannerU (usually the case) to /usr/share/sane/gt68xx
sudo cp /media/hda1/Program Files/ScannerU/ccd548.fw /usr/share/sane/gt68xx
If you don't have a copy of the firmware file, you can download it here and save it to /usr/share/sane/gt68xx
4. Check if your applications can access your scanner
5. Test out your scanner by scanning a newspaper article or a book
If it says No USB scanner found on Step 2, make sure the scanner is properly plugged in via USB and powered up
If the connection is good, try running lsusb to check if your system can detect it
If the connection is good and lsusb didn't find any USB scanners, the scanner may be defective or USB port is not working