
Gwibber is an application that brings some Mircoblogging Services to the Desktop without the need of a Web Browser. Also, it can aggregate RSS/Atom feeds as well as reading and setting status messages from Social Bookmarking Services and Online Communities.

Gwibber integrates neatly into the Gnome Desktop and makes using the below named services more comfortable:

Supported Services





Social Bookmarks

aggregates Digg messages


Social Network

aggregates messages from friends an sets own status messages


Social Network

aggregates messages from friends an sets own status messages

Microblogging Service

aggregates messages from subscriptions as well as replies and sets own messages


Microblogging Service

aggregates messages from subscriptions as well as replies and sets own messages

Microblogging Application

aggregates messages from subscriptions as well as replies and sets own messages


Instant Messenger

sends status on an IM Account via Pidgin

Microblogging Service

sendas messages to the service



aggregates the Web Feed


Microblogging Service

aggregates messages from subscriptions as well as replies and sets own messages


since Ubuntu 9.04

Gwibber can be installed from the repositories since Ubuntu 9.04:

  • gwibber (universe)

until Ubuntu 8.10

see Gwibber in Ubuntu Wiki


Gwibber User Interface

User Interface

Gwibber provides two tabs in its UI, one for the aggregated messages and on for replies on your own messages. In the lower part is the input field that is used to write messages. It accepts 140 characters at max and sends the message to all services that are selected to be "send" to. Clicking with the right mouse button into the field opens a Drop-Down-Menu in which you can select this services directly.


  • Refresh: CRTL - R
  • Search: CRTL - F
  • Clear: CRTL - L
  • Close Window: CRTL - W
  • Preferences: CRTL - P


In the menu: Gwibber >> Preferences

  • Notification - Display Bubbles: Notification Bubbles about new messages are displayed.

  • Update: How often should be checked for new messages/feeds?

  • Windows Behaviour

    • Minimize to tray to close: Minimize to tray instead of closing Gwibber

    • Hide taskbar entry: no entry in the Taskbar

    • Show tray icon: The tray symbol will alwas be displayed

  • Experimental

    • Automatically shorten pasted URLs: URL's that are pasted into the input field will automatically be shortened by a TinyURL Service

    • Append colon to username when replying: A colon will be appended to the username when replying to a post

  • Theme: select your desired Theme

Create Accounts

In the menu: Accounts >> Create

  • Digg

    • Username: Username of the Digg account

    • Receive: receive messages

  • Facebook

    • Authorize Gwibber >> Request Login Code:Opens a Browser window in which you can request a Login Code after you logged on to the Facebook Portal.

    • Authorize Gwibber >> Authorize Status Changes:Opens a Browser window in which you can allow Gwibber to send status updates after you logged on to the Jaiku Portal.

    • Get Feed URL: The Feed-URL of your "Friends" page in the Facebook Portal

    • Receive / Send: receive messages and send own status updates

  • Flickr

    • Username: Username of your Flickr accounts

    • Receive: receive messages


    • Username / Password: Username and password of your account

    • Receive / Send: receive messages and send own status updates

  • Jaiku

    • Username: Username of your Jaiku accounts

    • API-Key >> Get Jaiku API Key: Opens a Browser window in which you can request an API-Key after you logged on to the Jaiku Portal.

    • Receive / Send: receive messages and send own status updates


    • Username / Password / Domain: Username, password and domain of your installation

    • Receive / Send: receive messages and send own status updates

  • Pidgin

    • Send: send status updates


    • App Key >> Get Key: Opens a Browser window in which you can request an App Key after you logged on to the Portal.

    • Send: send status updates

  • RSS/Atom

    • Feed URL: URL of the RSS/Atom feed

    • Receive: receive feed updates

  • Twitter

    • Username / Password: Username and password of your Twitter account

    • Receive / Send: receive messages and send own status updates

All services/accounts can be configured with their own colors.

External Links

Gwibber (last edited 2010-10-31 18:16:59 by host43)