This page is about setting up IPMI on ubuntu.

Ubuntu Packages

The information about Ubuntu packages applies to all manufacturers.

Two packages offer IPMI support in Ubuntu:

  • openipmi - officially supported starting with ubuntu 8.04

  • ipmitools - not officially supported

Once installed, the following files may help you configure and personalize your ipmitools package install:

  1. /usr/share/ipmitool/ipmi.init.basic
  2. /usr/share/doc/ipmitool/README.gz

To uncompress the .gz file and view it:

zcat /usr/share/doc/ipmitool/README.gz|less

Specific manufacturer information


See above information about Ubuntu packages.

As a general rule, always take notes on current settings and backup any files being modified.

Read through the following bug report for important information:

Once installed the IPMI tools package provides several commands. Some examples:

Local IPMI access verification

 ipmitool -I open channel info 

System Events Log (SEL)

 ipmitool -I open sel list


 8b | 07/15/2007 | 20:50:22 | Power Supply #0x42 | Power Supply AC lost
 8c | 07/15/2007 | 20:50:22 | Power Supply #0x53 | Redundancy Lost
 8d | 07/15/2007 | 21:16:58 | Physical Security #0x52 | General Chassis intrusion
 8e | 07/15/2007 | 21:17:03 | Power Supply #0x42 | Failure detected
 8f | 07/15/2007 | 21:17:03 | Power Supply #0x42 | Power Supply AC lost
 90 | 07/15/2007 | 21:17:03 | Power Supply #0x53 | Redundancy Lost

RAID problem example:

 b5 | 11/05/2007 | 03:09:27 | Slot/Connector #0x55 | Fault Status Asserted
 b5 | 12/24/2007 | 03:32:52 | Slot/Connector #0x55 | Fault Status Asserted

Power off (simulates a "critical high temperature event")

 ipmitool -vI lan -H -U root -a chassis power soft

Hard reset

 ipmitool -vI lan -H -U root -a chassis power reset

Full Dell documentation

SuperMicro P8SCi

See above information about Ubuntu packages.

As a general rule, always take notes on current settings and backup any files being modified.

In your BIOS settings:

  1. Enable "Console Redirection" in BIOS Setup. For example, COM2 / 19.2Kbps / 8N1
  2. Disable "Enable Console Redirection after POST" in BIOS setup.

Editing your boot options in GRUB

1) Add the following two lines to /boot/grub/menu.lst (carefully check that the double hyphen is not converted to a single one if using copy & paste):

serial --unit=1 --speed=19200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
terminal --timeout=10 serial console

If using XEN, also find and modify the following line to read as:

## For Xen
# xenkopt=console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8

2) Change the following line (while KEEPING the hash at its beginning):

# defoptions=quiet splash


# defoptions=nosplash console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8

3) Change the following line (while KEEPING the hash at its beginning) to:

# altoptions=(recovery mode) single console=tty0 serial console=ttyS1,19200n8

4) Save the file, then run this command to commit your changes:

sudo update-grub

5) Then:

cd /etc/event.d
sudo cp tty1 ttyS0
sudo nano ttyS0 

This last command uses nano but you can use any editor.

Edit the /etc/event.d file so at the end the line invoking getty reads as:

exec /sbin/getty 19200 ttyS0

6) Do the same for ttyS1:

sudo cp tty1 ttyS1
sudo nano ttyS1

Edit that file so at the end the line invoking getty reads as:

exec /sbin/getty 19200 ttyS1

7) Now, edit /etc/securetty to add ttyS1 (near the beginning) after the following line:

# for people with serial port consoles
# for people with serial port consoles

SuperMicro update

Above instructions work nicely with some very minor changes with Ubuntu 9.04 on a new (April '09) SuperMicro X8 (Xeon 5500) motherboard with built-in WinBond WPCM450 BMC controller:

  • AMI BIOS defaults to 115200 baud.
  • /etc/securetty has ttyS1 defined already, and is now labelled 'Standard serial ports'

The network setup for the BMC is done in Advanced -> IPMI Configuration -> Set LAN Configuration in the BIOS. It defaults to DHCP, so generally it will just work. Once it's set up you can point a web browser at it (HTTP or HTTPS) or an ssh terminal. The default login is ADMIN / ADMIN.


IPMI (last edited 2011-01-23 13:57:40 by host109-157-98-211)