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Torrent files

[Left]click on the torrent link, get to the attachment page, and there you right-click on the link and select 'save link as' to get the torrent file.

The installed systems have the following user ID and password. (It is a good idea to change the password.)

user: guru

password: changeme

Installed system in text mode

Build your own custom operating system

The dd_text_16.04-UEFI-n-BIOS compressed image file was made up to date, and a torrent file was uploaded in January 2017. This is the main choice, if you want to start with a light-weight system and install your own selection of program packages - desktop packages, server packages and application packages.


The md5sum of the torrent file is


and the size and md5sum of the file itself are

$ ls -l dd_text_16.04-UEFI-n-BIOS_2017-01-15_intel-4-pendrive-7.8GB.img.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 sudodus sudodus 362852364 jan 15 10:33 dd_text_16.04-UEFI-n-BIOS_2017-01-15_intel-4-pendrive-7.8GB.img.xz
$ md5sum dd_text_16.04-UEFI-n-BIOS_2017-01-15_intel-4-pendrive-7.8GB.img.xz
13e4fa2ecb8243b39388f31dbfd3a0ea  dd_text_16.04-UEFI-n-BIOS_2017-01-15_intel-4-pendrive-7.8GB.img.xz

Text mode, main menu When Fluxbox is installed, a line will be added to the menu: 'Start graphical session (startx) if available'


Special version with the new 'dus' installer

There is a special version of the UEFI-n-BIOS system with the new dus installer. It can be used as a general purpose installed system too, in USB pendrives, memory cards (and also in SSDs and HDDs). Download the following torrent file, and use it to get the compressed image file.


The md5sum of the torrent file is


and the size and md5sum of the file itself are

$ ls -l dd_dus-lxde_16.04-UEFI-n-BIOS_2016-12-12_intel-4-pendrive-7.8GB.img.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 sudodus sudodus 567810804 dec 12 01:46 dd_dus-lxde_16.04-UEFI-n-BIOS_2016-12-12_intel-4-pendrive-7.8GB.img.xz
$ md5sum dd_dus-lxde_16.04-UEFI-n-BIOS_2016-12-12_intel-4-pendrive-7.8GB.img.xz
977fe780f2888b5787c792f2b212378d  dd_dus-lxde_16.04-UEFI-n-BIOS_2016-12-12_intel-4-pendrive-7.8GB.img.xz

It looks like this when it is running:



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Installation/UEFI-and-BIOS/torrent (last edited 2017-01-15 16:35:42 by h196n2)